Ready when you are.. I will say that running it after some time of not using it, it does take some time to open.
Building now then i will have to upload it and it will take a little while... im installing some stuff to aide vs lol
Ahh, okay. Then I am going to lurk some more on the forums, maybe snipe some threads and then play some guildwars2.
sorry had something come up and i got a new testing machine. - full on better environment and much faster. i can handle VMs now thanks though.
Well he will read this and ill ask him about it. as he is the lead on this software he has more say than i do - i just code and tweak the software
I have built a test version for you both. PMR it's in dropbox (WinTK release folder) as WinTK v3.1.6 and you can feel free to pass it to Humphrey.
They should be disabled completely. Or thats what the code i see does! Test it lol thats how you will know first hand
I have played with the exe a bit. Do not see any problems that I have noticed. The slow start/request UAC is gone though.
If it is faster it is because i reworked the startup code to add a couple more variables and a couple p\invoke system calls to get more info on UAC and program location. - So far i have seen a slight improvement in the start up as well. if you find anything else wrong with it please let me know and ill continue the work on the start up coding!
Waiting to release, just need to talk to PMR to confirm something first. Apologies about taking my time. I'm finding it hard to keep up with development right now =/
Update: I have decided NOT to bring WinTK to end of life, majors updates will still be brought to you all. Here is a list of my plans for the next version of WinTK. Add auto-search Registry for DigitalProductId's function Add WinTK mini mode Add option for auto startup to mini mode, etc Add French, Spanish and Portugese language's Disable Decrypt button till DigitalProductId is found Theme color change menu will be converted into a settings menu for language, theme color, startup options, etc. Regards, The Dev.