A question EFA11. Does the error still appear if you forcefully close the application then restart, or does it only show when in Mini Mode? Also, did the error initially show when entering mini mode or exiting to go back to full mode? I need to sleep as I'm off to London tomorrow, but this error is definitely noted. I'll look through all code to see if it is indeed a bug in my software, which it may well be. I just tried to recreate the error on three other machines but no luck
If I force close the app with task manager and reopen, yes the error comes up again. The only time it didn't originally popup was when I first opened the app after downloading and used normal mode. Ever since I hit mini-mode it continues to error, even in normal mode now. I haven't run regedit yet, but I will give that a look shortly. Ill try and clear everything from the app out of the system and run it again. If no joy there, I will run this system in VM, I can virtualize it easy enough from a backup done last week, and go from there. I cannot count my own system out of being at fault yet. I have a few things I run that might very well be the cause. Enjoy the trip, get some rest and see'ya when you return
One thing to try EFA is run services.msc and see if "Performance Counter DLL host" is active. If not start the service. Also, open perfmon.exe and see if it executes okay. Regards, The Dev.
I ran services and it was running, but running perfmon I got the unable to load memory counters etc. So I started digging in the registry, but haven't had a need to for counters in over 100 years lol.. Anyway, I was looking in the wrong section, Code: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Perflib wondered why I couldn't find the Disable Performance Counters, its in PerfOS. Opened Powershell to find it faster lol Search in services key. Code: PS C:\Users\nEFArious> $val='Disable Performance Counters'; gci HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services -rec -ea SilentlyContinue | % {if((gp -Path $_.PsPath) -match $val) {if((gp -Path $_.PsPath -Name $val).$val -gt 0){$_}}} Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PerfOS Name Property ---- -------- Performance Close : CloseOSObject Collect Timeout : 8000 Object List : 2 4 86 238 260 700 1814 Open : OpenOSObject Collect : CollectOSObjectData Open Timeout : 5000 Library : C:\Windows\System32\perfos.dll 1010 : 130654812224836968 Disable Performance Counters : 1 I had to enable in Registry, changing 1 to 0. Code: $val='Disable Performance Counters'; gci HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services -rec -ea SilentlyContinue | % {if((gp -Path $_.PsPath) -match $val) {if((gp -Path $_.PsPath -Name $val).$val -gt 0){sp -Path $_.PsPath -Name $val -Value 0 }}} I did that after manually rebuilding the perf counters which didn't help. AND Probably didn't have to lol, with this. Code: c:\Windows\System32>lodctr /R c:\Windows\SysWOW64>lodctr /R c:\Windows\SysWOW64>WINMGMT.EXE /RESYNCPERF c:\Windows\SysWOW64>net stop pla && net start pla c:\Windows\SysWOW64>net stop Winmgmt && net start Winmgmt So everything is working now, if anyone else runs into this with Win8.1 Ent, just go to Code: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PerfOS under performance and change 1 to 0 for Disable Performance Counters. False Alarm The Dev, was the system not the app Thanks for pointing me to services and more importantly opening perfmon or I would still be scratching my head lol.
Windows Toolkit uses multiple Performance Counters and I'm actively working to eliminate them with API. If permon.exe has problems this application will fail to run correctly as it cannot calculate necessary data. Usually lodctr /r works, but sometimes more work is necessary. For the next version of my software I'll implement a full Performance Counter fix that will run all necessary checks and then run whatever fix needed. Everyone learn from EFA11, some good work there. Regards, The Dev.
EFA, those registry do not exist by default. I've searched the registry and just can't find them. Did you add them yourself to disable permon?
I have it now... In HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Services: I noticed PerfDisk/Peformance, PerfHost/Performance, PerfNet/Performancet, PerfOs/Performance and PerfProc/Performance. So I can work from these keys. EFA would you do me a favour and check the above for value "Disable Performance Counters" and see if it exists in all. I'll be thanking you in my application and main thread. Regards, The Dev.
Okay I've created a function to detect and fix the disabled values already. It also runs others fixes if necessary. Will be implemented in the next build. Regards, The Dev.
Yo Dave! Long time no see Congrats for the new baby! I've tested the new version and I love the Networking tab. Just 2 issues I've noticed.. If you hover the mouse over the (every) pixel of the border of the app, you'll see "Information: Click to change background color. And should right clicks on buttons within the app behave as left clicks? Also it would be nice it there'll be an option to copy the IP from the Networking tab / Mini mode.
Hey dude, thanks man. She has been born and we're all home safe. Thanks for testing by the way. The "Information: Click to change background color" is now fixed. If was a mouseover popup message I never deleted. And right click acting as left is not right either, but it's only doing it on two of three machines I tested so I'll look into that. I've also found an issue that can cause a thread overload, so this is now being repaired thanks to PAYMYRENT for noticing it after long periods of running the application; this issue is nearly fixed. Regards, The Dev.
New version is on the way, should be a few days. Changes so far: 1. Fixed thread overload in networking 2. Removed an unnecessary tooltip popup (Thanks: ItielMaN) 3. Corrected right click issues 4. Fixed a situation where service plus could cause an error in certain environments Over the coming months I will be working hard on my new software (aimed at gamers) so please notify me of any issues or bugs with WinTK and they will be fixed promptly. Will be a busy few months.
Nice tool I feel like the oem branding needs a bit of work. We could enhance it by doing a registry back up of the information inside the winTK directory. Along with a means to accept a flexible image setter on the oem image. I like where this tool is going I'd like to also see a activation management tool included in the toolbox.
@ItielMaN - smplus is now part of a bigger application, but I don't plan on finishing it soon because... As well as winTK updates, actively developing two new applications (one being paid) and having a new baby, my time is limited, especially as the paid app is getting the most time and attention. @Smorgan - I'm already actively collecting the new OEM logos and editing what images are acceptable, because yes it is very limited. But no major new changes until version 4 which will be later this year, so activation management is on the cards but not yet decided. Me and PAYMYRENT are working on it.
Hi everyone, Here are the next Windows Toolkit projected changes: Will add processor threads to mini mode Forms will now utilize double buffering for a smoother user interface Recoding all functions into modules (core code) Can we fix DPI scaling? Yes we f**king can. Auto DPI scaling will be implemented as best I can before the version 4 release Big recode for OEM logos. The OEM logo dropdown list will now load images from Documents/WinTK/Branding. The user can also add their own logos at any point and they will be automatically added to your library of images. OEM logos to be accepted: JPEG, PNG and BMP. 120x120 px If anybody would like to see a change, please let me know. Also of any amendments to the projected changes don't be shy to jump in. Regards, The Dev.