btw [Support Information] can have multiple lines....more than the 3 Edit: ok i now see what is are reading the ini correctly. however it is populating the first 5 lines of the ini regardless of what section it is reading. if an oeminfo.ini does not follow the way you setup for 2 lines of general and 3 lines of support information than the display willbe wrong. not all ini follow the proper way of setup being [Version] section is first followed by [Support Information] section followed by [General] section. below is my oeminfo.ini Code: [Version] Microsoft Windows XP and the Windows .NET Server family WinVer=5.01 [Support Information] line1= line2= line3= [General] Manufacturer=AOpen Model=AOpen CustomPC Intel SupportURL= [OEMSpecific] SubModel= SerialNo= OEM1= OEM2= your code does not populate correctly with it.
@user_hidden Oh, I see, sorry I'll look into this problem and fix it in time for the next update. @Tito Thank you for explaining this problem to calpol @Calpol I'm not sure about MAK Keys, but use the EDPID Tool located in the 'Home' tab... In the registry location box type HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, select option 'DigitalProductId4' and in the custom offsets type... Start Offset: 808, End Offset: 822 then click Decrypt. But I'm not even sure this will return your MAK. I will fixing the BBBBB-xxxxx in the next release.
if a MAK was entered during installation it will show up and ecypt properly. if a MAK is added after initial instal it will be read as BBBB and no cure for that.
maybe if you can parse the sections and display then instead of the lines in the ini as some ini can have different configurations.
In the bottom left of the 'Home' tab, next to the green Orb you should see a link named 'EDPID Tool', click that link... In the registry location box type HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, select option 'DigitalProductId4' and in the custom offsets type... Start Offset: 808, End Offset: 822 then click Decrypt. But I'm not even sure this will return your MAK. You can also follow the mini tutorial pictures below. @user_hidden I'm looking into it tonight, I'll probably parse it by string value. At the moment it parses the line number as I thought all OEMINFO.INI configurations were all the same. Silly me
Latest version for Windows Vista, 7 and 8 available - Edit: Link removed - Outdated. Changelog: 1. Removed the hover message over each tab 2. New custom progress bars 3. EDPID tool will now center itself upon viewing DigitalProductId Registry data 4. OS License status added to the 'Operating System' tab 5. Slic version added to the 'Operating System' tab 6. UI changes 7. Added a new information message for those who receive a BBBBB-xx product key 8. Application checksum is now copyable from the 'About' window A heads up: Latest XP updates coming soon Programs downloads are now seperated till the XP version is integrated into the main application. In the next application update you will be able to save your OS information and extract your current OEM Logo
Next Vista, 7 and 8 version is nearly ready to release, I'm just working out an iffy bug. Sorry for the delay. And for the Windows XP users I'm sorting an issue where the OEM information is displayed incorrectly, shouldn't be too long. Thanks, Dave.
Hi... I like of your application, I suggest that: Your app have the Aero Glass extension, but we can't move it on non-edge areas, this code can solve it for you: Code: protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { base.WndProc(ref m); int WM_NCHITTEST = 0x84; if (m.Msg == WM_NCHITTEST) { int HTCLIENT = 1; int HTCAPTION = 2; if (m.Result.ToInt32() == HTCLIENT) m.Result = (IntPtr)HTCAPTION; } } You can use the MainMenu instead of MenuStrip for an greater OS GUI model (on EPID Tool). Great work
Thanks Josh, I've actually just added the option to move with the non-client area for version 2.3.1, but thanks for your input
A heads up for everyone, My next application release(2.4.0) will finally support multi-threading and multi-core! Expected release time is around a week. I'm also working on a drive info addition which may be included in the next version, depends on how much time I have(thanks to ItielMaN for the idea) Thanks, Dave.