I've spotted a bug and will release an update soon. Clicking 'Create Restore Point' will cause an application crash if System Protection is disabled. Thanks for your feedback
for your feedback* What will happen if the System Protection is disabled? An explanation popup will appear?
I've had a look in the designer etc and all seems ok, must be a small bug in Qios's Dev components. Version 3 should be next anyhow so I'll remove the tabs and recode it all, sound good?
Recode it to a different style? Don't think recoding will do anything since the issue occurs only in the System Tools string.
No, not a different style, remove the Tab control and recode it entirely. So replacing and revamping. I think the issue you're seeing is down to the captial 'T' maybe.
How so? I embedded dependancies instead of merging them. And are you sure you have version 2.9.7, mine shows as latest and the server version.txt has been updated.