[Wondershare Giveaway Special] 1 license each for Wondershare Filmora video editor + Filmstocks pack

Discussion in 'Giveaways and Contests' started by whizkidraj, Jun 23, 2019.

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Have you tried Wondershare Filmora 9 yet?

  1. Yes, and I want to win a license!

  2. No, but I would love to participate and win a license.

  1. whizkidraj

    whizkidraj MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Apr 6, 2012
    @tarekma7 #9
    Twitter Share link:- Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

    @roc #11
    Facebook Share not fully according to rules.

    @joedave #12
    Twitter Share missing the hashtags.

    @Quaint10 #20
    No Social media share link.

    Congratulations! @Ashwin please wait for my PM (or you can PM me first, to claim your win), and you would have 3 days to reply to my PM.

    If you do not reply to my PM within 3 days to claim your win, then the next person from this randomized list will become the new winner and so on.... you know the drill.

    I'll explain everything in the PM what details are required and not.

    And as always, I really appreciate and thank each of the participants of our MDL forum.

    To end with, and once again, I would like to thank my dear friend Irene Yang, and everyone at Wondershare Filmora for sponsoring this generous giveaway for our awesome forum members.:tankyou::giverose:
  2. dinosaur07

    dinosaur07 MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2016
    Congrats to the lucky winner and thanks @whizkidraj for the giveaway!
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  3. baziroll

    baziroll MDL Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    Congrats goes to @Ashwin thanks so much for giveaway;)