I have a weird problem with deduplication. I have installed the latest package "Dedup_10.0.14393.0" and I can access all deduped files without any problem, but I cannot dedup new files. OptimizedFiles and InPolicyFiles numbers stay the same, no matter I delete old files or add new files. What could possible be the problem? I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the dedup package, but it did not solve the problem.
+1 same problems here. Access to dedup files but nothing else is working. I'm using a french version. A clue !
Possible Solution Spoiler For those having issues with running Windows deduplication, try one of the followings. It might help to solve your issue. Asumming I'm running deduplication on d drive, so adjust d to whatever your drive letter or mounted folder is. 1) Run the following command(Read-only mode) to check if there are any errors on your disk. If any, fix them. Code: chkdsk d: 2) Run PowerShell as Administrator, and use this command. Code: get-dedupvolume | fl Check the values of these entries: MinimumFileAgeDays, MinimumFileSize, NoCompress, ExcludeFolder, ExcludeFileType, and NoCompressionFileType to see if they are properly set. 3) Run PowerShell as Administrator, and use this command. Code: get-dedupstatus | fl Check the last result and result message for optimization, garbagecollection, and scrubbing to see if there are any errors. If so, use the error number to find a solution on Internet. 4) Run PowerShell as Administrator, and try the following command. Code: start-dedupjob -volume "d:" -type optimization -memory 20 -priority low -wait If this fails, most likely you don't have enough system resources to complete the job. By my experience, more memory is required. So restart your computer and wait for a minute to complete the startup process, and then disable Windows Defender or any other antivirus/malware software. Also close unnecessary programs running in the background. Then run the above command again. Even if it fails again, give a few more tries. 5) Run full garbagecollection and scrubbing, and then run optimization. Code: start-dedupjob -volume "d:" -type garbagecollection -full -wait start-dedupjob -volume "d:" -type scrubbing -full -wait start-dedupjob -volume "d:" -type optimization -memory 20 -wait 6) Move some files to other drives to make more disk space for the optimization. Useful readings Code: Data Deduplication Overview https: //technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server-docs/storage/data-deduplication/overview Deduplication Cmdlets https: //technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh848450.aspx Troubleshooting Data Deduplication Corruptions http: //social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/31038.troubleshooting-data-deduplication-corruptions.aspx Good luck!
halasz, It doesn't seem the issue is the deduplication in your case. More like something else. You said you had Windows Server 2016 TP5 and then switched to Windows 10 Pro, right? Does the drive/files you're trying to run deduplication have write permission from your current OS/user? Check that first and if you still have the issue, try this. 1) Create a vhdx file with the size 20GB on that drive. (Open up Computer Management and then right-click on Disk Management under Storage. Choose Create VHD.) 2) Attach the vhdx file. (Almost the same steps in 1, but choose Attach VHD.) 3) Copy a 2-3GB file to the attached vhdx file. (Any file is okay, but just watch out its size so that a plenty of space is left for the optimization.) 4) Make a copy of that file within the vhdx file. 4) Run the optimization against the vhdx file, not the drive. See if the job can be completed. Good luck!
I tested the filter driver are working and the deduped files are accessible, but I haven't tried thoroughly the service part, being mostly on a real win server, but Initially I had the impression that the dedup part wasn't working as well. Then others reported it as working so I didn't investigate further, but is very likely there is something wrong/missing in the 14393 dedup package.
I have write permission, yes. I tried making a vhdx as you describe but get the same 0x80565342 error Spoiler Code: PS C:\Windows\system32> dir e: Directory: E:\ Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a---- 17/09/2016 18:03 3382538240 Win10_1607_English_x32 - Copy.iso -a---- 17/09/2016 18:03 3382538240 Win10_1607_English_x32.iso PS C:\Windows\system32> enable-dedupvolume e: Enabled UsageType SavedSpace SavingsRate Volume ------- --------- ---------- ----------- ------ True Default 0 B 0 % E: PS C:\Windows\system32> set-dedupvolume -volume e: -minimumfileagedays 0 PS C:\Windows\system32> start-dedupjob -volume "e:" -type optimization -memory 20 -priority low -wait Type ScheduleType StartTime Progress State Volume ---- ------------ --------- -------- ----- ------ Optimization Manual 0 % Failed e: PS C:\Windows\system32> get-dedupstatus | fl Volume : D: VolumeId : \\?\Volume{f90625c9-b832-4b8c-b069-205223038076}\ Capacity : 55.43 GB FreeSpace : 23.3 GB UsedSpace : 32.13 GB UnoptimizedSize : 32.13 GB SavedSpace : 0 B SavingsRate : 0 % OptimizedFilesCount : 0 OptimizedFilesSize : 0 B OptimizedFilesSavingsRate : 0 % InPolicyFilesCount : 0 InPolicyFilesSize : 0 B LastOptimizationTime : 18/09/2016 17:47:07 LastOptimizationResult : 0x80565342 LastOptimizationResultMessage : The job was terminated while in a handshake pending state. LastGarbageCollectionTime : 17/09/2016 15:15:23 LastGarbageCollectionResult : 0x80565342 LastGarbageCollectionResultMessage : The job was terminated while in a handshake pending state. LastScrubbingTime : 17/09/2016 15:19:23 LastScrubbingResult : 0x80565342 LastScrubbingResultMessage : The job was terminated while in a handshake pending state. Volume : E: VolumeId : \\?\Volume{5c9767f1-4ac3-481d-9e5e-73bf5b8e21a3}\ Capacity : 19.87 GB FreeSpace : 13.52 GB UsedSpace : 6.35 GB UnoptimizedSize : 6.35 GB SavedSpace : 0 B SavingsRate : 0 % OptimizedFilesCount : 0 OptimizedFilesSize : 0 B OptimizedFilesSavingsRate : 0 % InPolicyFilesCount : 0 InPolicyFilesSize : 0 B LastOptimizationTime : 18/09/2016 18:06:17 LastOptimizationResult : 0x80565342 LastOptimizationResultMessage : The job was terminated while in a handshake pending state. LastGarbageCollectionTime : LastGarbageCollectionResult : LastGarbageCollectionResultMessage : LastScrubbingTime : LastScrubbingResult : LastScrubbingResultMessage : PS C:\Windows\system32> get-dedupvolume | fl Volume : D: VolumeId : \\?\Volume{f90625c9-b832-4b8c-b069-205223038076}\ Enabled : True UsageType : Default DataAccessEnabled : True Capacity : 55.43 GB FreeSpace : 23.3 GB UsedSpace : 32.13 GB UnoptimizedSize : 32.13 GB SavedSpace : 0 B SavingsRate : 0 % MinimumFileAgeDays : 0 MinimumFileSize : 32768 NoCompress : False ExcludeFolder : ExcludeFileType : ExcludeFileTypeDefault : {edb, jrs} NoCompressionFileType : {asf, mov, wma, wmv...} ChunkRedundancyThreshold : 100 Verify : False OptimizeInUseFiles : False OptimizePartialFiles : False InputOutputScale : 0 Volume : E: VolumeId : \\?\Volume{5c9767f1-4ac3-481d-9e5e-73bf5b8e21a3}\ Enabled : True UsageType : Default DataAccessEnabled : True Capacity : 19.87 GB FreeSpace : 13.52 GB UsedSpace : 6.35 GB UnoptimizedSize : 6.35 GB SavedSpace : 0 B SavingsRate : 0 % MinimumFileAgeDays : 0 MinimumFileSize : 32768 NoCompress : False ExcludeFolder : ExcludeFileType : ExcludeFileTypeDefault : {edb, jrs} NoCompressionFileType : {asf, mov, wma, wmv...} ChunkRedundancyThreshold : 100 Verify : False OptimizeInUseFiles : False OptimizePartialFiles : False InputOutputScale : 0 PS C:\Windows\system32> It would certainly be interesting to know if anyone else can dedup new files - whether it is a problem with the 14393 package or something specific to me.
I get this error while trying to install this package. Error: 0x800f081eThe specified package is not applicable to this image. I'm on Windows 10.14393.187
Both. I could install previous packages with no apparent errors (except for the aforementioned not being able to dedup new files).
I installed this package, but cannot dedup new files nor I can use garbage collection for deleted files.
I already use this package :-S But I removed the previous one and installed this one. [h=3]Unfortunately same behavior. [/h]
Windows Server 2016 RTM build 14393.0.160911-2111 is out May be, we will have new version with final Deduplication and FileServer Package? Sad new : I've just download Windows Server 2016 RTM and we can forget it, the files provided have the same date, the same size ...
Nothing new is out Windows Server 2016 RTM build 14393.0.160911-2111 = Windows Server 2016 RTM 14393.0.160715-1616 + some cumulative update