Found this thread from a blog post and would love some help with an issue I'm running into. When I start the DedupJob, I can see it’s queued, and then initializing (as per the “Get-DedupJob” command) but eventually it fails after initialization. As per msinfo32, the driver is installed and running but the system eventlog shows two errors: “A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the Data Deduplication Volume Shadow Copy Service service to connect.” “The Data Deduplication Volume Shadow Copy Service service failed to start due to the following error: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.” I checked my services and I see the Data Deduplication Volume Shadow Copy service is set to automatic (but not running) and I can’t manually start it and gives me this error when I try: “Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fasion.” Any Ideas?
while we glad to help, we cannot troubleshoot or foresee everyone setup, I have been using dedup since windows 8, also used the dedup files in every win10 preview build until release and every major release update until now. WE can assure it indeed works many of the issues people have can be fixed with a fresh reinstall, or using "sfc /Scannow" and "Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" or chkdisk but alas we cannot waranty it will work for everyone if they have misc issues
I have created 20Gb VHDX and placed on the volume created 8+ Gb files. Then I've installed Dedup_15063 and run DDPEVAL: Spoiler C:\WINDOWS\system32>ddpeval z:\ /v /o:e:\delme\ddp.log Data Deduplication Savings Evaluation Tool Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Evaluated Target OS: Windows 10.0 Evaluated folder: z:\ Evaluated folder size: 8.62 GB Files in evaluated folder: 9424 Processed files: 3101 Processed files size: 8.57 GB Optimized files size: 869.88 MB Space savings: 7.72 GB Space savings percent: 90 Optimized files size (no compression): 5.00 GB Space savings (no compression): 3.57 GB Space savings percent (no compression): 41 Files excluded by policy: 6323 Small files (<32KB): 6323 Files excluded by error: 0 Looks fine, 8+ Gb can be optimized to 1- Gb BUT: Code: PS E:\Delme\@Projects\BuildsHistory> get-dedupstatus FreeSpace SavedSpace OptimizedFiles InPolicyFiles Volume --------- ---------- -------------- ------------- ------ 11.15 GB 0 B 0 0 Z: PS E:\Delme\@Projects\BuildsHistory> start-dedupjob -Volume z: -Type Optimization -Memory 50 -wait Type ScheduleType StartTime Progress State Volume ---- ------------ --------- -------- ----- ------ Optimization Manual 100 % Completed z: PS E:\Delme\@Projects\BuildsHistory> get-dedupstatus FreeSpace SavedSpace OptimizedFiles InPolicyFiles Volume --------- ---------- -------------- ------------- ------ 11.15 GB 0 B 0 0 Z: That is deduplication starts and terminates some seconds later without any optimization performed. Where was my error?
Command "Set-DedupVolume -Volume Z: –MinimumFileAgeDays 0" WAS missed and as soon as I've run it, than optimization started execution. "Сам дурак" ( was an idiot ). SORRY, runs fine. P.S: I've installed manually at Insider 15063 system. Spoiler PS E:\Delme\@Projects\BuildsHistory> Set-DedupVolume -Volume Z: –MinimumFileAgeDays 0 PS E:\Delme\@Projects\BuildsHistory> start-dedupjob -Volume "z:" -Type Optimization -Memory 50 -wait Type ScheduleType StartTime Progress State Volume ---- ------------ --------- -------- ----- ------ Optimization Manual 100 % Completed z: PS E:\Delme\@Projects\BuildsHistory> get-dedupstatus FreeSpace SavedSpace OptimizedFiles InPolicyFiles Volume --------- ---------- -------------- ------------- ------ 18.76 GB 7.63 GB 2935 2935 Z:
One more question: is it possible to use ReFS formatted volume with DeDup-15063 package? Yes, no problem, runs fine.
I also tried this version but had an error probably because I tried after installing the manual version. Just retried on my clean VM and it's perfect.... Thanks again abbodi1406...
why the unholy hell microsoft doesn't just SELL us a windows 10 edition with ALL features unlocked, including the server ones and the ability to turn off spying, I'll never know. for $250 some of us would show up
On my Windows 10 Pro 10.0.15063.0 it-IT I got the error 0x800f081e, The specified package is not applicable to this image, can someone help me? I tried the manual installation pack too now it reads data deduplicated but cannot deduplicate new files. Thank you. Alex
After installation on Windows 10 build 1703 I can access previously deduped files in Windows 8.1. Every cmdlets appears to be working like get-dedupvolume. However I cannot start-dedupjob and it says: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Start-DedupJob -Type Scrubbing v: -Priority High Start-DedupJob : MSFT_DedupVolume.Volume='v:' - HRESULT 0x8007007f, The specified procedure could not be found. At line:1 char:1 + Start-DedupJob -Type Scrubbing v: -Priority High + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (MSFT_DedupJob:ROOT/Microsoft/...n/MSFT_DedupJob) [Start-DedupJob], CimException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x8007007f,Start-DedupJob
Unpleasant information and I am not sure that hotfix can be installed at Pro Windows. But I've used ReFS for all of my three DEDUPE volumes and I hope that "silent corruption" mentioned in this publication never happend at my volumes.