You are my hero. After both commands and afterwards installation of the packages anything works as it should. Thanks!
Having done that I see again PS C:\Windows\system32> dism /online /add-package / / dism /online /add-package / / dism /online /add-package / / dism /online /add-package / / dism /online /enable-feature /featurenameedup-Core /all Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.18362.1 Image Version: 10.0.18362.239 An error occurred trying to open - Error: 0x80070002 An error occurred trying to open - C:\Windows\system32\Microsoft-Windows-VdsInterop-Package-amd64-10.0.17763.1.c ab Error: 0x80070002 An error occurred trying to open - Error: 0x80 070002 An error occurred trying to open - C:\Windows\system32\Microsoft-Windows-VdsInterop-Package-amd64-10.0.17763.1-e Error: 0x80070002 Error: 2 An error occurred trying to open - C:\Windows\system32\Microsoft-Windows-VdsInterop-Package-amd64-10.0.17763.1.c ab Error: 0x80070002 An error occurred trying to open - C:\Windows\system32\Microsoft-Windows-VdsInterop-Package-amd64-10.0.17763.1-e Error: 0x80070002 The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log …..
That error indicates that the packages cannot be found. Looking at your path, DISM is looking for the packages in C:\Windows\System32. You don't need to use PowerShell to install the packages, it is only needed to run any dedup commands. Simply opening an elevated command prompt from the directory containing the extracted dedup pack and copy/pasting the commands from the install.txt will get you started down the proper path.
Thank you, but this doesn't matter for me Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.239] (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\Users\Op\Downloads\dedup-10.0.17763.1 C:\Users\Op\Downloads\dedup-10.0.17763.1>dism /online /add-package / / Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.18362.1 Image Version: 10.0.18362.239 Processing 1 of 2 - Adding package Microsoft-Windows-VdsInterop-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.17763.1 [==========================100.0%==========================] Processing 2 of 2 - Adding package Microsoft-Windows-VdsInterop-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~10.0.17763.1 [==========================100.0%==========================] Error: 0x800f081e The specified package is not applicable to this image. The specified package is not applicable to this image. The command completed with errors. For more information, refer to the log file.
As the user above me more subtly pointed out, the reason it isn't working is because you are trying to install the 17763 dedup pack on a 18362 system. Grab the 18362.1 dedup pack and try again.
Окау you were right, many thanks Has anyone some experience trying to enable the deduplication on the Windows boot volume? I feel being reasonable to apply an exclusion list similar to WimBootCompress.ini Aiming to avoid extra partitioning for vhdx storage volume What'd you concern about enabling the deduplication by default on most volumes as an extra step after volume format, and only managing their deduplication settngs then?
I don't know, I only use en-US systems. And I don't sprechen sie Deutsch so I won't be downloading any de-DE ISO's and installing them to extract the packages. Though I can say that I've only ever seen en-US packages shared here.
Other language versions can be easily installed by extracting server language pack and installing mum files for required packages.
My 2c. 18362.1 worked like a charm! Thanks! My primary target was to dedup my VirtualBox machines. But you can't dedup the system volume so my take on the this was to create a vhdx volume which I activated dedup on. But with that followed the optimization of the vhdx after dedup had done its job. So here if someone else need to accomplish something similar. Created a 256GB vhdx and mounted it as E: (in my case stored at "C:\usr\nobackup\vhdx\voldedup.vhdx") Enabled debup with: Code: Enable-DedupVolume -Volume E: Set-DedupVolume -Volume E: -MinimumFileAgeDays 0 Have a batch file which runs as SYSTEM at event SysteamStartup (Task Scheduler) which optimize the size of the vhdx. This can also be run manually but one have to make sure nothing is using the volume first. File: diskpart-do.cmd Code: if exist "E:\" ( ( echo select vdisk file="C:\usr\nobackup\vhdx\voldedup.vhdx" echo detach vdisk echo select vdisk file="C:\usr\nobackup\vhdx\voldedup.vhdx" echo compact vdisk echo attach vdisk ) | diskpart ) else ( ( echo select vdisk file="C:\usr\nobackup\vhdx\voldedup.vhdx" echo compact vdisk echo attach vdisk ) | diskpart ) And a powershell which forces dedup jobs. Run manually when needed (default scheduled jobs does this but only once a week). Code: Start-DedupJob -Volume E: -Wait -Type Optimization -Priority High -Memory 80 Start-DedupJob -Volume E: -Wait -Type GarbageCollection -Priority High -Memory 80 -Full Start-DedupJob -Volume E: -Wait -Type Scrubbing -Priority High -Memory 80 -Full Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 Invoke-Item ".\diskpart-do.cmd" My 200GB of VirtualBox machines (2 x OSX, 2 x Windows 7 and 4x Windows 10 with a couple of snapshots each) are now stored at approx 50% of the original space! Thanks again for extracting working files for dedup to work on Windows 10! Brgs,
Current status: PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-DedupStatus FreeSpace SavedSpace OptimizedFiles InPolicyFiles Volume --------- ---------- -------------- ------------- ------ 30.42 GB 35.57 GB 71042 71038 E: 254.06 GB 230.2 GB 122498 122498 G: 141.72 GB 1.67 TB 288158 288158 I: 406.02 GB 339.28 GB 570133 570133 K: 170.01 GB 491.01 GB 789843 789843 M: 44.27 GB 34.27 GB 46231 46231 O: 252.17 GB 435 GB 1416601 1416601 Q: 187 GB 38.58 GB 107249 107249 S: Not bad!
I notice that all my windows 10 machines with deduplication package installed were not offered 1909 feature upgrade when I ran windows update check. Anybody notice that? I ran windows 10 1909 update through the Windows 10 upgrade assistant. It took a long time. After that, one of my Hyper-V VM had general access failure error to its virtual hard due to permission problem. (The virtual harddisk was not on deduplicated volume.) I had to revert back to 1903 and everything worked fine again. Any suggestion on a safe way to update from 1903 to 1909 with deduplication package installed. Maybe I need to uninstall the package and see if the update will be offered on Windows Update check. There is no unistallation script in the deduplication package.