So, running these would solve the wmi class issue? Code: %windir%\system32\wbem\mofcomp -AUTORECOVER %windir%\system32\wbem\deduplicationprovider.mof %windir%\system32\wbem\mofcomp -AUTORECOVER %windir%\system32\wbem\en-us\deduplicationprovider.mfl %windir%\system32\wbem\mofcomp %windir%\system32\wbem\ddp.mof %windir%\system32\wbem\mofcomp %windir%\system32\wbem\en-us\ddp.mfl
Hi murphy78, I don't understand what you mean by this. I'll keep 1 disk deduped and the other untouched if it's what you suggest.
That fixed the CIM/WMI missing class/namespace issues for me -- the powershell module works now. Great job. If you want the powershell help for deduplication, just run: Code: PS> update-help -Module deduplication
I modified it too and reuploaded the whole pack i know that the script might need some polishing, better error handling... but it wil do the job for now now, towards WMC pack BTW, which PS cmdlet is equivalent for ddpeval.exe?
Hi Guys, I followed your work and it does not work correctly. The powershell module is loaded, then I have enabled the deduplication on volume E, but when I want to start the job I'm getting errors in eventlog. Powershell prompt h**p:// Here are the errors from eventlog h**p:// and h**p:// thanks in advance for information. P.S. I'm not allowed to insert links or images.
Good day! I just checked my own logs and I have the same problem. I have been unable to make it work myself, which I mentioned in this thread a week ago but haven't got any reply and you're the first I see that potentially have the same issue. Could you run msinfo32 and check Software Environment > System Drivers to see if the dedup-service is marked as Started? If not, try "net start dedup" in CMD. When I do that, I get Code: System error 2148204812 has occurred. A certificate was explicitly revoked by its issuer. And without the dedup-driver, well, things don't work very well ^^ I've had this problem on every machine I've tried it; physical PC, VMware, Hyper-V. So I am surprised not more people seem to have it. My own post here Regards __________ Edit: I just tried the dedup-package with the Pro-version, same problem. I have now tested clean installs with: Code: en_windows_10_multiple_editions_x64_dvd_6846432.iso en_windows_10_enterprise_x64_dvd_6851151.iso en-gb_windows_10_enterprise_x64_dvd_6851157.iso None have worked. Perhaps it for some reason does not work in clean installs, only upgrades? Anyone have success with clean installs, or failure on upgrade installs?
Hello, Thank you for bringing the dedup to windows 10. I have exactly the same error : I can enable all commands but the job never starts and net start dedup gives the same error (certificate). My computer is a 8.1 Pro upgraded to Win10 (x64). The ddpeval works perfectly. EDIT : My Windows is in French. Perhaps it is the problem?. Marc
Hello, After doing some tests, I have seen that on a computer Win10 TP Upgraded to Win10 RTM but where I am in the Insider canal (fast) it is working. If I leave the Insider build (and reboot the computer), the error (certificate revoked) appears. If I go back in the insider program and I choose the slow canal it is working. So I guess that when you are insider you can use dedup and when you are not you can't. Marc
I have the same problem. I have MSDN subscription and I'm using this image en_windows_10_enterprise_2015_ltsb_n_x64_dvd_6848316.iso
Great find! I can confirm that this seems to be the case and also works on clean installs. I guess it makes kinda sense if dedyp.sys is signed with preview-cert and RTM only allows RTM-signed drivers by default, or whatever. If I activate Preview-builds in the Settings-app and reboot, I can start the dedup-driver. If I use the Settings-app to disable Preview-builds, it will stop working again. But if I add this to the registry (with Preview-builds enabled): Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability] "EnablePreviewBuilds"=dword:00000000 It seems that I am no longer signed up for Preview-builds, but I am able to start dedup. So this seems to be a workaround to get the service working but stay on current build. It would, however, be nice if we could figure out exactly what changes when activating Preview-builds that makes dedup.sys work. Also, if someone is interested in what's new in deduplication in Server TP3: Regards
Sorry, missed that part. Anyway. I guess that it doesn't work because the signature is recognized correctly and then disabled. Maybe if you break the signature (changing a single byte on the .sys file, I mean in a section that doesn't hurt its functionality, like the version number info) the file shouldn't be recognized anymore, hence should be treated as any other unsigned driver. Just a guess, but still worth to try it IMO.
Yeah, this will work. I used a tool called FileUnsigner to remove the signature, then booted with Driver Signature Enforcement disabled and the service can start. This won't work if you've installed the feature using DISM (which we don't in the currently working package), as it will detect that the file has changed since it was installed. Tried that couple weeks ago ^^ I also read that you should be able to enable Test-mode in Windows and sign the file with some Test-cert. I tried that at some point, but the tool I tried did not work and I was too lazy to give it more than one try I guess it should work if you put your mind into it. A cleaner solution would be to reproduce what Windows does to allow the cert when activating Preview-builds, but perhaps it's not too easy to find out what it does. At least I currently have no idea how to achieve this. Regards
Couldn't you just sign the file yourself with a self-generated certificate and add said certificate to the trusted store?
Sometimes I'm too old school I had to figure there was a proper unsigner for windows like the ones I used on android. Anyway glad that my the basic idea worked...