Installed the 9879 on my sons computer which is quite old and has just 3GB Ram, and AMD 2 Core 6000 CPU on an LanParty MB and I used an 200GB Maxtor Ata133 HDD for that install. His Windows 7 Ultimate runs well on an Sata2 320GB with no problems. So, installed the 9879 and all of his 'special' apps and has to tell that it runs much better than Windows 7 on that old hardware. OK, I low level formatted the HDD first for to get all old rubbish out of it. But than it should still had max running as fast as Windows 7! The only slightly problem I had were his Graphic Card to get working normal, was need an driver from last Year from AMD/ATI to get it to work properly. Was already thinking to change his computer thyis time, now I'll leave it a bit more and see how it will go with W10!! Anyway, I was really surprised about that outcome!
And also just to say, I downloaded the ISO's from MS with max speed I could get with my connection of 30Mbps and that's app. 4.5MB/s. For Thailand a very good speed! I didn't get anything which didn't work, all just fine. Compare to the 9860 and 9841 this build seems much better now.
It is my understanding that the new ISOs contain identical data as the ESDs that we received a while back on "fast" channel. I believe that Gabe Aul stated that the update comes in afterward through Windows Update and is therefore not included in the just released ISO images. Although I would be happy to be wrong on this. It would certainly be better if it was included in the image since it related to BSODs.
Guys I'm working on getting these symbols versions/msi from efa11 link... I'll start processing everything and making making patches to reduce sizes. I'll work up a 9879 master torrent when I'm done. I'm not gonna include the non-standard language esd files. They are available through registry mods, but they would be even buggier than the 4 supported versions and will be replaced in like a month and a half anyway. It's much better to just focus on the official isos. I'm not saying you shouldn't do the reg mod and download them. I just won't be torrenting all of them.
@murphy78: Honestly, I ask myself why should do all that work because it changed again in just a short period of time?! It's a lot of work and would cost a lot of time and although used Bandwidth and therefore money too! Did you really should invest all that time and effort etc.? If you've family, you couldn't! Beside of them, what's about your Work, or if you still on educations, what's about the time you need to invest for that? I really appreciate what you're doing, still have problem to understand How Too.....?! 60h work a week, take care for my family, for problems in my company, and many other things! How much is left? I could spend just 1-1½h a day for the forum etc. and that's it! Sorry for to be off topic, it just came in mind to say what I'm thinking.
It's not much work. I have scripts for everything. My internet isn't capped. When I'm not using it, it just sits there idle.
i have a MSDN account and i have downloaded the symbols and the debugged/ checked iso's of bulid 9879. iam uploading the files to onedrive for people who dont want to use a torrent
i have 9841.0.140912-1613.FBL_RELEASE_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X64FRE_EN-US.iso and i looking for smart version patch for convert it to 9879 build. any suggestions..or should i download new build every time for new technical previews ?
I do not understand ... why OneDrive storage is not good ? I have two accounts and I keep a bunch of stuff in there...upload - share - download... everything works flawlessly,greeting...