Im not 100% sure if this is the right place to write this so here goes. I want my danish office 2013 x64 version from msdn Retail > VL - How do i make the patch? and with that files needed?. Normally i spot the method right away.
Thanks but how did they make those, i mean what files are req. to do it your self, if fx another version came up with sp1 or later preinstalled what to do?
Think you misunderstood me i know how to do that and everything but how did they make/convert those iso so we achive volume isos that can be kms'ed. Im talking about the delta thing.
The title reads [h=2]Office 2013 Professional Plus VOLUME ISO (x86 & x64 40 Languages)[/h]Office 2013 Professional Plus VL ISO (untouched)
We are getting REALLY close now. So i already got this but i did not understand how it worked. So. Original file is the untouched Retail from MSDN - Correct? The modified file is the file you want to be VOL but where did you get the VOL from in the first place ? i assume you cannot make the VOL file WITHOUT making the delta file first, unless you got the VOL from MSDN?? It does not make sense to make an already VOL delta patch if you already have the VOL file? Am i the only one totally missing the point here and just looks like a big ******* question mark. And to what i really want to know is this. I have Retail Danish/DK Version i want it converted to VOL So i take English VOL and put it into original file in delta gui then next i take the mod file which is my retail DK version and then point to where i want the delta file saved and patch next i go into apply patch select the patch i just made and add my retail danish version and save output iso?.