Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Bosh, Apr 18, 2011.
Like Yoda Master you talk must
Of chips and garlic sauce just had a second helping, good it was. Going for a lie down now, I am.
Internet fixed did this bad boy yes he he
Boiling hot outside today, it is.
In here, raining like hell, is it...
Backwards talking Master become I must
Backwards talking Master you are
Backwards talk restart it must
Replied to previous post I have
Fun, while this topic is, it makes any sense now not.
Backwards talking falied have you, correct words use you must
Falied me for the last time you have.
Cool this is for wordsmith I be.
Where, go from here north or west, do I. Yeesssssss.
Should I shower or stay dirty, the question, that is.
Shower you must, if to be a Jedi you want
Enjoy this thread, canouna shall.
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Goodnight, you had, last night I hope?
Within the force look you must, if to find answers you wish