2020 - a sad year for the emulation scene

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by RokkumanX, Oct 6, 2020.

  1. RokkumanX

    RokkumanX MDL Member

    Apr 8, 2020
    With the leave of byuu/near earlier this year (the creator of bsnes/higan/ares) a long era came to an end.

    Just a couple of days ago another superstar left the scene, Sour (the creator of Mesen and Mesen-S)
    All projects on GitHub archived (h ttps://github.com/SourMesen) and even Sour have confirmed he's not going to return to these projects.

    What does this mean for all of us emulation end users?

    Well, given that bsnes/higan/ares is the most accurate Super Nintendo/Super Famicom emulator and Mesen is the most accurate NES/Famicom/FDS emulator in existence there will not be anymore official updates to these emulators ever again.

    The golden rule for pretty much any piece of software applies to these projects too, the work is truly never done. There is still bugs and issues that needs to be fixed but it all depends on how much time people who forks the projects intent to put in them.

    I don't know if this is the start of a cursed trend but in order for future generations to be able to accurately experience all these older consoles, projects like these can't afford to die out.

    In regards to preservation this is absolute tragedy and we all know how Nintendo/Sony/Sega handles/treats their brands, just look at how awful the emulation of the games featured in the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection is.

    I recommend downloading these as fast as you can because no one can say for sure how long they will exist:

    Mesen (the last development build) - h ttps://ci.appveyor.com/project/Sour/mesen/build/artifacts
    Mesen (Sour's final release) - h ttps://github.com/SourMesen/Mesen/releases/download/0.9.9/Mesen.0.9.9.zip

    bsnes (byuu's final release) - h ttps://github.com/bsnes-emu/bsnes/releases/tag/v115

    higan (byuu's final release) - h ttps://github.com/higan-emu/higan/releases/tag/v110

    ares (byuu's final release) - h ttps://github.com/ares-emu/ares/releases/tag/v115

    Let's hope that no more emulator projects will die, or else everything have been for nothing.


    Sorry for the space in the links, I didn't have 5 posts to post with correct links.
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  2. 3sidedcube

    3sidedcube MDL Member

    Oct 1, 2009
    Don't sweat about it it's archived already!!!!!

    After M$ bought Git hub I stay well clear of it now.< they pinched too many ideas of others work. now if it's on github then M$ own it - the open source community is about to get very messy indeed and am having nothing to do with it now
    just like society society need people to vampire off. just like M$ has been doing for a long time.
    Emulation will never die.The OS you run it on might.
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  3. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    #3 Tiger-1, Oct 7, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2020
    is a friend i agree with you, M$FT already clearly holds the full power reaching even the people of open code this way we will have to "play" candy crush "as if we were still 10 years old ;):mad:
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  4. refugeealien

    refugeealien MDL Novice

    Oct 9, 2020
    How much of this is actually Microsoft's fault though? Seems like retiring from the scene has little to do with Github right?
  5. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    And you don't think this has to do with the Nintendo Switch bringing those nes and snes games to switch online?
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  6. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011
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