basically, i suppose it is a calculated risk, if you play with that stuff, and mouri uses open source and has been around since 2014 here, @sebus; and you know how fast the esteemed members start screaming, when they get a false positive somewhere.i downloaded it, unpacked, and scanned it.[mse and malwarebytes.] no screams; it is safe enough,lol.
Also, I provide the complete PDB file and everyone can analyze NSudoDevilMode.dll via IDA Pro, OllyDbg and other reverse engineering tools, lol. (Get trust from others makes me fulfilled.)
New progress about NSudo Devil Mode. Here is the import table from the x64 binary of NSudoDevilMode.dll. (Only rely on ntdll.dll.) We can use NSudo Devil Mode in all application running under the modern Windows. It makes binary smaller. (The x64 version is the biggest, about 28 KB; the arm version is the smallest, about 15 KB.) Maybe we can inject NSudoDevilMode.dll to the x86 process from the x64 process in the x64 Windows.
NSudo 8.0 Stable released. For more infromation, please read
I think you should integrate the launcher or bring back the install function for the context menu. It was easier to download one tool and use it. I would also include NSudo Explorer if possible! Is there an updated version of NSudo Explorer?