Really greatful when I heard you said that. I need to reinstall win so maybe I'll use your current method. But I still hope you will find the way to work offline!
Hello ! Thanks abbodi1406 for your work I have a question, for KMS_VL_ALL, how to activate only Office 2019 ? Your KMS had activated my Windows before my connection to internet for OEM validation... I need to activate only my Office, thanks for all, I wait your answer
You should have activated Windows first, and KMS_VL_ALL will skip it you can also reinstall retail/oem key to restore digital license but if you insist, edit KMS_VL_ALL.cmd or 2-Activate-Local.cmd and search for these two lines: Code: :sppchkwin set office=0 change to: Code: :sppchkwin set office=0 exit /b
Hello,Abodi1406. Your script is very good,but display text is English. I am a Chinese,so,I make localization for your scripts.I don't use these to profit in anywhere.Is this a problem with me doing this?
Hey@abbodi1406, Hope this finds you well. So, do you think W10UI needs updating? When integrading KB4469041, I see W10UI integrades it first, then enables DotNet Framework 3.5. So is it OK? Because I believe KB4469041 is for DotNet 3.5 as well. Thanks.
W10UI v5.6 WHD-W7UI v4.7 WHD-W8.1UI v4.6 - Added support and menu option Selected Install.wim indexes to select specific index(s) to update from install.wim, instead all of them always all indexes is the default setting, to change press 8 at menu (I for W81UI/W7UI) the available indexes will be listed, enter the desired index(s) numbers to choose, separated with space you can revert to all indexes by entering * alone - Fixed netfx cumulative update duplication in W10UI v5.5, and the accidentally iso option set to 0 thanks @Enthousiast
@abbodi1406 , I have a question about UUP2ISO create-virtual.cmd. I am trying to create current updated 17763.168.1.10 AIO ISO like RTM 17763.1 Consumer Ed contained 11in1 en-US x64. so I got 17763.168.1.8 UUPs AIO (4in1 Home+N, Pro+N) from UUPDL and convert and create 17763.1 ISO and when I applied it to UUP2ISO create-virtual.cmd, it shown like RTM 17763.1 Business Ed indexes which is not like Consumer Ed indexes and it is not what I want it. Then I stop to go. 1. How to get updated AIO ISO (11in1) like Consumer Ed with UUPs by using UUP2ISO? 2. Better to use W10UI with current Update KBs + 17763.1 Consumer Ed ISO? This is a first time to use UUP2ISO and this is my exercise. Pls, Thank you.
Have a look at ReadMe.html convert-UUP.cmd support integrating updates if detected with UUP files create_virtual_editions.cmd list all possible target editions it's up to you to choose what editions to create you can edit the script and define auto edition to create Code: set AutoStart=1 set AutoEditions=Education,ProfessionalEducation,ProfessionalWorkstation,EducationN,ProfessionalEducationN,ProfessionalWorkstationN,CoreSingleLanguage
@abbodi1406 , Thank you for reply. As I mentioned above I knew what you said and I did it. Once I got AIO (4in1 = Home+N, Prp+N) UUPs from one of download sources, applying virtual.cmd create always 10in1 AIO ISO except Home and Pro. This is result look like 17763.1 RTM Business Ed (11in1) ISO. It means no Home and Pro included.Because you script of virtual.cmd autoeditions set= create 10in1. My question is 1. Is there any way to create like same 17763.1 Consumer Ed (11in1) with downloarded AIO (4in1) UUPs and some your script even modified virtual.cmd or new? I can create updated clean AIO(11in1) ISO with Base RTM 17763.1 Consumer ISO and W10UI. During my various exercises, this question come up and keep asking you. Pls. Thank you.
So Edge fighted. Now, how about preventing OneDrive from installing? I believe OneDriveSetup.exe just runs after OOBE? Also using DisableFileSyncNGSC is not helpful. So maybe a proper way like Microsoft Edge?Thanks as always.
setupcomplete.cmd Code: reg delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v OneDriveSetup /f del /f /q "%AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneDrive.lnk" you can also delete the shortcut from install.wim Code: \Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneDrive.lnk and modify \Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT registry to delete OneDriveSetup value
I'm really lost with what you are exactly asking create_virtual_editions.cmd will offer 10 addional editions to create for the 4in1 source and unless you set DeleteSource=1, the result will be 14in1 ISO 1. yes like i said, either choose editions manually (excluding Enterprises), or set AutoStart & AutoEditions as i said updating base iso will be better