Very minor fixes uup - fix arm64 conversion W10UI - fix updating iso\sources files with DU when non-UUP boot.wim is used and updated
Small sfx that will download and install latest VC Runtimes with -y argument. Wrote hastily but should work InstallLatestVCRuntimes.exe Mirrors: Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5
uup-converter-wimlib v37 - Fixed single install.wim/install.esd creation - Improved CAB->ESD process to avoid temporary folder confliction issue
Hi there, So I'm trying to prevent OneDrive from installing via editing the NTUSER.DAT. Windows 10 v1903. When I edit the file and remove this lines Code: OneDriveSetup ÿÿÿX : \ W i n d o w s \ S y s W O W 6 4 \ O n e D r i v e S e t u p . e x e / t h f i r s t s e t u p I receive some error message saying Windows cannot complete setup. So, some, or all those ðÿÿÿlh°V Áøˆ€¸þÿÿlh characters and also extra spaces should be removed as well? Thanks as always for your helps.
I ment mount the file as registry hive Code: reg load HKLM\TEMP Z:\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT reg delete HKLM\TEMP\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v OneDriveSetup /f reg unload HKLM\TEMP if you are using setupcomplete.cmd, try adding this command Code: reg delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v OneDriveSetup /f
BTW, so is it possible to add/edit keys in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ in this way? It would be interesting. Thanks.
Yes System wide HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes User level would HKLM\TEMP\SOFTWARE\Classes (loaded ntuser.dat)
With this script the SSU won't integrate or install on live system, the integration/installation finish with Error: 0x80092004, for integrate or install this SSU is necessary: 1 - the old SSU KB4490628 2 - the SHA-2 KB4474419-v3 3 - the new SSU KB4516655
Did you try to install KB4474419-v3 alone first? if it works, then SSU KB4490628 is not needed per se