Add Multilingual Support to Windows 10 Distribution - automated batch script

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by abbodi1406, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    You have to stop Windows from cleaning up unused languages "Block Clean Up Installed Languages" before syspreping.

    When you service offline byt using this script you clearly can use available languages in setup/windows (as long as its not asian they need to be added to language list using PS)
  2. Dissidius

    Dissidius MDL Novice

    Nov 15, 2015
    #562 Dissidius, Jun 24, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
    did this, but the 1903/1909 Inbox apps didn't work none of them
    in audit mode no inbox apps showed up before sysprep
    after sysprep
    all Inbox Apps showed for every language but they where all 0KB in Windows Settings and they didn't open
    tried reservicing them Online just for testing, uninstalled all of them , reserviced them again same behavior
    tried servicing Online with 20H2 Inbox Apps some errors for packages not present in 1909 showed up but the store started working
    and Everything was updated from there and so every other inbox app started working
    i willl try to offline service 20H2 Inbox apps at this point and see the results
    should there be any issues if it "looks" like everything is ok?
    Or i simply shouldn't mess at all with Inbox Apps? will they get updated in the correct language from the Store if i choose another language but the original during oobe ?
    Any ideas? Cheers
  3. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    You would have to update apps in Store after changing language. Then they would change language.
    I think you're doing something off.. Versions must match and script must be adjusted to your needs/paths.
  4. Dissidius

    Dissidius MDL Novice

    Nov 15, 2015
    #564 Dissidius, Jun 29, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2022
    yes i tries to update apps from store and they got localized.

    As for offline servicing I'm pretty sure i am not doing anything wrong.

    The script works and the mounted offline image indeed gets serviced and "Updated" with the contents of the Inbox Apps ISO 1903/1909 and in the respective/need languages but the apps simply don't work.

    They all show as 0 KB on Windows Settings and as soon as i click on them the taskbar icons disappear immediately (Microsoft Store or Mail for example)

    Right now I'm trying to do all this with Windows 1909H2 en-US downloaded from Rufus as base and:

    1903 Language Packs
    1903 FOD
    1903 Inbox Apps

    Servicing the offline image in the order mentioned above.

    If i service the Inbox Apps in "Online" mode everything works out fine.

    Can't seem to come out with any ideas on this, really tried everything and can't seem to be making it work in offline mode....
  5. Dissidius

    Dissidius MDL Novice

    Nov 15, 2015
    Hmm trying with latest Inbox Apps 21H1/21H2 (offline) it worked... wtf
    but gave an Error in the Script Window for Bing Weather and MsPaint
    everything showed in the correct language even post sysprep.

    Will try with 2004 and 20H2 variants of Inbox Apps ISO hoping to not get any errors.
  6. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Paint isnt a Store App, It will give you errors beacuse some arent available. Just use the script and inboxISO for your version.
  7. Dissidius

    Dissidius MDL Novice

    Nov 15, 2015
    #567 Dissidius, Jun 30, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2022
    that is not the case, when i service the "correct" version both mspaint and bingweather get serviced correctly but none of the apps work post deployement.

    While Inbox ISO of other versions gives those errors but most of the apps including Microsoft Store works.

    EDIT: however this is not the way to go as i noticed that feature update from 1903 to 1909 always fails.

    Need to find some other way.

    Right now I'm trying Online Servicing and Sysprep and see how this all goes.

    Tried right now with base 1903/19H1 and the same was replicated identically.

    EDIT 2: Online Servicing with 1903 Inbox Apps in Audit Mode than Sysprep went super smooth.

    Looking Forward to see how 21H2 will behave!
  8. Alexa120

    Alexa120 MDL Novice

    Aug 16, 2020
    Hello Abbodi1406 I just can’t figure out how to integrate additional language packages into the image of the disk, so that it is multilingual when installing Windows 10 Pro 21H2 Build 19044.1766 X64 I downloaded your W10MUI_20 package, which is further without a concept. I created a folder on the disk C: \ muidvd, unpacked the image of a disk there, and what's next without a concept? You may help provide a small instruction, otherwise everything that they wrote to me can not understand; Where to download language packages, where to insert them, why ADK programs. I would be very grateful because I do it on Windows 10 for the first time.
  9. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    There is a pretty good readme containing all info including requirements and a How to in the project folder.

    Language packs download info is inside the language and ondemand folder.
  10. Alexa120

    Alexa120 MDL Novice

    Aug 16, 2020
    #572 Alexa120, Jul 4, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2022

    I understood like this:
    I create a folder on the drive C: \ MUIDVD
    There I post all the contents from the W10MUI_20 folder:
    + disk image using the example 19044.1766.220609-0055.21H2_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US

    Then I upload the language pack using the ru-ru example to the Langs folder, the files of which are 1
    Then I load all the language packs using the ru-ru example into the OnDemand x64 folder, the files of which are 67
    Then I run the W10MUI script and wait for the end of the process?!

    I still don't understand why I need to download and install release_amd64fre_adkwinpeaddons? When after installation I don't see the exe file to run the program?
    Or do I need to install both ADK programs that are written in the instructions for Build 19041 - Windows 10 version 2004 / 20H2 / 21H1 / 21H2 - it's not clear.

    In a nutshell, this is what I have so far:
    I create a folder on the drive C: \ MUIDVD
    There I post all the contents from the W10MUI_20 folder:
    + disk image using the example 19044.1766.220609-0055.21H2_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US

    I run the W10MUI script, wait for the end of the process and a new ISO image appears in the same folder: 19044.1766.220609-0055.21H2_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN_RU
    But installation problem:
    I use VirtualBox to check.
    Initially, everything is installed well; choice of languages English, Russian - installation in progress
    But you just have to go during installation to the parameters of the moment of a light blue screen with the appearance of "Wait", spin-spin, and after installing Windows reboots and writes that there were problems installing Windows, like try updating Windows. So in this case, too, it is not clear why this is so?

    It is also unclear where to get these items from and where to insert them:
    Step 3
    Place updates (msu/cab) files in "Updates" folder (you can add both architecture files together).
    edit Updates\W10UI.ini to change the updates options, but don't change Target or Repo (leave them blank)

    Step 4
    Edit the script with notepad and adjust the following variables to suite your needs, or leave it as-is:

    Path for Windows 11/10 distribution (without quotation marks)
    you can use the iso file path directly, or path to custom extracted folder, or DVD/USB dive letter.
    leave it blank if you want to use iso file placed next to the script, or prompted to enter path.

    ISO (set 1 or 0)
    Create iso file afterwards or not

    WINPE (set 1 or 0)
    when enabled "1":
    require WinPE lang packs from ADK (Preinstallation Environment), winre.wim and boot.wim will be updated
    when disabled "0":
    boot.wim index 2 (setup image) will be updated manually with setup resources found in the main lang pack.
    when adding East-Asian lang, both boot.wim indices will be updated with font support

    SLIM (set 1 or 0)
    when disabled "0":
    all applicable WinPE lang packs will be added to boot.wim and winre.wim
    all lang resources files will be added to ISO sources directory and keep it as default.
    when enabled "1":
    only necessary WinPE LPs for setup/recovery will be added to boot.wim and winre.wim (Main, Setup, SRT).
    ISO payload files will be deleted, and keep required files for boot-setup (iso can be used only for clean install).

    NET35 (set 1 or 0)
    Enable .NET Framework feature or not
    if you enable it, file will be removed from iso\sources\sxs

    custom directory path for WinPE language packs files, in case you do not want to install whole ADK WinPE feature
    you must keep the same directory hierarchy as original installed ADK

    x64 German files:
    x86 Arabic files:

    then you set the parent WinPE directory as path:

    culture code of the default language that will be set in the Windows images and as initial setup language
    it will be changed later when/if you choose another language at setup
    leave it blank if you want to keep the current default language in install image.

    set mount directory on another partition if available to speed integration, or leave it blank

    Step 5
    Verify that all your settings are correct and that the required files are in the proper location.
    After that, execute the script as Administrator.

    The process will take quite some time to finish depending on number of LPs to add, so WAIT.
    If all went OK, You will get the "Finished" message.

    Thanks for your help and understanding.

    Attached Files:

  11. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    You need the ADK WinPE either installed or unpacked to the scripts folder beacuse setupfiles are integrated
  12. Alexa120

    Alexa120 MDL Novice

    Aug 16, 2020
    And how to do it? You can show with an example. Thank you.
  13. Dissidius

    Dissidius MDL Novice

    Nov 15, 2015
    #577 Dissidius, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2022
    I've noticed that if i service an offline image with dism manually not by your script, even adding a single driver and than Unmount and Commit, the size of the WIM goes up substantially.

    While your script even after all that servicing the compression is simply amazing!

    What is the magic that does that ?

    And... another thing!

    What is the logic behind choosing the updates to be serviced to an offline image ?

    What and which ones should i choose ?

    For example i need the list of updates for Windows 10 Pro 1909H2 and 21H2 but i really have no idea of the logic on choosing the correct/needed ones! thanks
  14. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  15. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    dism.exe /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"_DVD\sources\install.wim" /All /DestinationImageFile:"_DVD\install.wim"
    if exist "_DVD\install.wim" move /y "_DVD\install.wim" "_DVD\sources"
    for Windows 10 v1709 and later, all updates can be serviced offline, but you should enable .NET 3 feature after adding updates
  16. Alexa120

    Alexa120 MDL Novice

    Aug 16, 2020
    Hi, Enthousiast.
    For the OnDemand X64 folder, do I need to download all language bags or just certain - 68 files?
    I am still experiencing problems when installing an image with en-us and ru-ru
    Thank you.