send ve master, can't you circumvent this to use the ones greater than 22000? cheat something I don't know, hey, because you saw that it goes up to 22000 on w81 and because I couldn't continue because here I use w81 I don't like to use w10 I think w81 is faster, I don't know how to change or add something to the w81 registry to continue greater than 22000 on w81
arunres.dll.mui / spwizres.dll.mui / w32uires.dll.mui those files are supposed to be included in the language cab files WinPE-Setup-Client/Server/ASZ, but they are not someone didn't get the memo about the branding changes and forgot to add them you can only get them from the main OS LangPack folder "setup\sources" (i.e. manual localization) i will update the script to add a workaround for the standard localization (WinPE packs)
Updated / W10MUI_22 - Implemented workaround to add missing mui files with standard WinPE localization for builds 22557+ - Enhanced wmic.exe detection - Updated ISO label routines to support more Enablement Packages
No, either will work but you could test adding 22621.525 update to boot.wim created with W10MUI_22 (it should be from original ISO, not UUP dump)
Hi dear friend, is possible to remove the laguage pack preinstalled after install language pack : If my wim have English LP, I install French LP esd, can I remove English ?
Works really nice, thanks Abbodi. Some doubts remained, maybe someone can answer? About the FoD, the script seems not to add them. I understand they will be added as "supplementary packages", but where do they go in the image? Is .esd ok or do they have to be added as .cab? How often should one update the .esd lang packs (both main+fod)? Is MS doing this monthly (because of CU) or is there no fixed schedule? Cheers.
Which ones it doesn't add? FoD packs are never delivered as esd files, always cab lang and fod packs are never updated themselves, the Last Cumulative Update updates them after integration
That makes sense. I made an error. When downloading the FoD's I renamed them manually to .esd, but they are in fact .cab. How stupid. And yes, the date of the files in the language pack is 2019, so it's the initial release. This also explains why it's not recommended to integrate language packs in an updated or refreshed ISO, because they are missing the updated language resources from CU. Making it mandatory to use a base image, add language packs and only then apply the CU. In my case, I do have a refreshed custom ISO so I'm probably out of options when it comes to language packs. Cheers.
no, you can just reinstall LCU on top of new language packs in any refreshed ISO in my tests there's no difference betweet Base+LP+LCU and Refreshed+LP+LCU but most likely you'll get BSOD in Refreshed+LP without LCU at the end