DEFAULTTIMEZONE is removed from latest script release you can set DEFAULTLANGUAGE like this, as long as the choosen lang is added: set DEFAULTLANGUAGE=en-us set DEFAULTLANGUAGE=el-gr set DEFAULTLANGUAGE=de-de i didn't understand the error pic
I guess it's just a matter of difference between client and server you can test the iso to be certain
okey!!! almost done with intergration in the 3 iso's i hope all working!!! can i share my Torrent Links of My Work is here or is illegal?
its time for experiments!!! thanks for give that honnor do something experiments in my free time ..i just i have only one quest cauze i experiment in win 8.1 first that dual need merge of 2 dvd folder in one and then use it??? thanks!!!
You can do one iso at a time then merge install.wim indexes or merge the indexes first then use the script on the extracted iso
Hi Abboby1406 Thanx for the great new releases. Recently, for my own needs, i tried to add PowerShell support to Boot.wim (index 1) & WinRE.wim (using 8-MUI-Refresh.7z) Spoiler Code: set ISO=1 set WINPE=1 set SLIM=0 REM Variable added for my own needs set PSHELLPE=1 . . . . . if !PSHELLPE! EQU 1 if !SLIM! EQU 0 ( echo Adding Powershell Support in [WinRE.wim] "!DISMRoot!" /ScratchDir:"!DISMTEMPDIR!" /Image:"!WINREMOUNTDIR!" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"!WinpeOC!\" /PackagePath:"!WinpeOC!\" /PackagePath:"!WinpeOC!\" /PackagePath:"!WinpeOC!\" "!DISMRoot!" /ScratchDir:"!DISMTEMPDIR!" /Image:"!WINREMOUNTDIR!" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"!WinpeOC!\!LANGUAGE%%j!\WinPE-NetFX_!LANGUAGE%%j!.cab" /PackagePath:"!WinpeOC!\!LANGUAGE%%j!\WinPE-PowerShell_!LANGUAGE%%j!.cab" /PackagePath:"!WinpeOC!\!LANGUAGE%%j!\WinPE-StorageWMI_!LANGUAGE%%j!.cab" /PackagePath:"!WinpeOC!\!LANGUAGE%%j!\WinPE-DismCmdlets_!LANGUAGE%%j!.cab" It seems that my modds - done before integration of update packages - breaks Windows8.1-KB2932046 & Windows8.1-KB2919355 integration (source files not found error). Wrong integration order maybe ? Your knowledge will be appreciated. Can u add PowerShell support to your scripts too ?
Try not to use KB2919355 then KB2919355 LIP custom packs is made based on the original WinPE packs found in boot.wim and winre.wim you mean for WinPE? the script is for localizing and languages only, not for features add
Any news about the untranslated tiles? did an update fix this problem? I could make an X86-64 ISO with en-gb, fr-fr, de-de language without problem but some tiles are still in English as calendar or weather.
i try put el-gr lang x86 in en_windows_8.1_with_update_x86_dvd_6051550 and show me this error what i make wrong ?? and i use 8-MUI-Dual