Please, be aware that @Serg008 is from Ukraine and might not be able to maintain this topic ATM. Hopefully, he'll be able to return safely.
Thanks, I know. I'm from Ukraine too. And I believe that @Serg008 will respond and everything will be fine. We know that Ukraine and the civilized world will defeat the hordes of RuZZian barbarians in this war!
I would need F61 or latest because I have 5800x. Latest is F63a but I don't know yet how good it will be as there were issues after F61 version(after Agesa 1203) reported. Would it be possible to mod both just in case to have, or even better can you provide tutorial how to understand bios file and do it myself for any future updates?
If someone needs a modified BIOS for the HP microserver N40L check here: