I want nothing to change when I plug the HDMI cable into my laptop. Only if I decide to switch manually to display mode.
please do correct your concern / query what you want to do or in what manner you need help from any MDL Pro / Expert ?
I connect my TV to my laptop using an HDMI cable. When I connect the cable to the laptop, it automatically goes into extend mode. I don't want this to happen. I want only the laptop display to be active when connecting.
What graphics are you using? If nvidia have your tried the nvidia control panel? But I don't get it. I mean the laptop's display should be the only one to be active, why do you connect to your TV then?!?
Yes 'PROJECT -> PC screen only' works and I want exactly this mode. The problem is, if I turn off the TV or the HDMI cable, the PROJECT mode changes automatically and I don't want that to happen! I want to save PC screen only when plugging in the cable Why doesn't anyone understand what I mean?
Projection Mode default in Windows 10 Extend! I want the default after plug in HDMI cable Projection Mode to by "PC screen only"
It makes sense that default is that what is most probable. If 'PC screen only' would be default people think there is something wrong with their second screen when plugging it in. I mean why do people plug-in a second screen at all? Because they either want to extend or to duplicate their desktop. What's 'missing' is a mode which could detect if second screen is off switch to 'PC screen only mode'. But default has to be what's most probable. By pressing win+p people can easily change. And it remains unless you fiddle with the plugs. Or do I still miss something here?
My HDMI cable is constantly plugged in. I use "PC screen only" mode. When someone switches the TV off and on, the extend mode changes again. When I am away and my child uses the computer, one wonders why there is no sound and sometimes the mouse is lost. That is why I want to switch modes only manually and not automatically. If I selected "PC screen only" then this choice will always remain until I manually change it. This is also the case in xfce, for example, where I create a profile that can be activated by connecting to an external display.
Presentation mode is controled by built-in "DisplaySwitch.exe" Shortcuts can be created (Desktop/startup folder/registry) with the following commands : PC screen only %windir%\System32\DisplaySwitch.exe /internal Duplicate %windir%\System32\DisplaySwitch.exe /clone Extend %windir%\System32\DisplaySwitch.exe /extend Second screen only %windir%\System32\DisplaySwitch.exe /external
Then it has to be a special behavior with HDMI. AFAIK my settings persist regardless of second screen is on or off. But I am using first screen display port. Second screen DVI. Now at home I use only one screen (DVI) and cannot test. I assume as soon as there is a HDMI signal missing and on again something makes it switching to extend mode. (Assuming a 'new' second screen just has been plugged in again). I wonder if it has something to do with HDMI-CEC signal? Is it on at your TV?
Have you checked your HDMI-CEC settings on your TV? Is it on? On some TVs HDMI-CEC is Anynet+. At others it's called EasyLink. It is also used for instance when you switch on your receiver, the TV turns on as well...or to use one remote control to control both... It scans the HDMI ports for probable sources, this scan could be be enough to make your PC switching back to extend. Hence the idea to check that. My TV always remains on the last source. There is no scan of sources enabled and no Anynet+ My PC monitor does scan, though. (depends on settings). Have you spotted the moment when exactly does windows switch back to extend mode? When your TV has as source HDMI1 and you do not change the source does 'PC screen only' persist ? Does it happen as soon you switch there to HDMI2? Or does it change when switching TV on an off regardless of the source chosen? As being said. AFAIK it persists at display port / DVI The approach to resolve the issue is to spot the moment when it 'automatically' switches it to extend. And to avoid that...if possible. An other way would be only to plug-in your TV when you really need it as second screen.
Maybe the issue is with the TV and not your comp have u try using the VGA if your machine uses one and if u get the same issue?
If you want: "I can now switch off screens, disconnect and reconnect them and Windows does not change anything about the way they are configured anymore." Then read this, but I do not know if Nvidia still has this option: https :// sites.google.com/site/ebobster/stuff/displayportblanking If that does not work for you, there are other options to Disable Hot Plug Detect such as cutting that thin wire inside the HDMI (or DVI) cable, like this link here: https :// social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/8a9b5aa7-fe33-4e6d-b39b-8ac80a21fdc2/disable-monitor-off-detection-how?forum=w7itprogeneral#71b98215-6f2a-4603-8c97-68bfdbc8fc3b Quote from that link: "Everything works great, the computer detects the tv/monitor through the EDID from the DDC, but the computer DOES NOT detect when my tv/monitor has been turned on/off. The computer acts as though the tv/monitor is always turned on. No resolution re-sizing, no moving windows, no icons changing location, music plays without the tv turned on, etc. The computer simply does not detect the power-on/off of the monitor." Tips: If you decide to cut the Hot Plug Detect wire, try it out on a cheap cable first, to be sure it gives you the same results. Google search Disable Hot Plug Detect then click Images to find better links for a DIY article.
The linked suggestions are to tape over the respective pin, so a non-permanent solution. And yes, this is what it takes. The same happened with VGA/DVI after Windows Vista & 7 - displays that worked in high res with 100-160Hz in XP suddenly could not do above 85Hz, because of a lame driver model change. So we had to break a pin in order to disable PNP and serve an EDID override via a custom monitor driver inf. Maybe step down from your high millennial horse once in a while - you know nothing.