I cant delete Cortana ... I tried the script getsuga369 gave ... cortana is not listed there. I tried Remove-AppXPackage <PackageFullname> method too but its showing error. I took admin control over the folder but can't delete the Cortana app folder bc its saying Cortana is running. When I am doing End Task from Task Manager over Cortana, its getting restarted within second. Please help me to remove it
removing cortana makes quite a difference first thing i do but it leaves you without the search function so I install classic shell and then I'm happy(er) @DEBKOL32 then forget the script and rename the cortana folder in systemapps can you get rid of windows defender with the script? because I renamed the folder to get rid of it too
To get a list of apps: Code: powershell -Command " & {(Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object {$_.PublisherId -ne \"cw5n1h2txyewy\"}).PackageFullName}">%userprofile%\desktop\applist.txt To remove a package Example: Code: powershell remove-appxpackage Microsoft.Office.OneNote_17.4229.10061.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe I would recommend against blanket removals of all cw5n1... online store packages because a lot of them are potentially important like .net and vcredist stuff. If you don't care, here's a blanket removal cmd script: Code: @echo off color 1f pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" (NET FILE||(powershell -command Start-Process '%0' -Verb runAs -ArgumentList '%* '&EXIT /B))>NUL 2>NUL :-------------------------------------- ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. Windows Store Apps Removal Script ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO This script will removal all Windows Store installed apps. ECHO It will not remove the Store, and you can re-install the apps by ECHO re-downloading them at any time. Powershell warning messages will ECHO be shown during the process. You can ignore these. ECHO If you get a null or empty error, then you have no UI Apps installed. ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHOICE /c YN /n /M "Run this script? (Y/N): " set errortemp=%ERRORLEVEL% IF %ERRORTEMP% EQU 2 EXIT IF %ERRORTEMP% EQU 0 EXIT echo Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online ^| Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage –Online >%TEMP%\PSR.ps1 echo ^(Get-AppxPackage ^| Where-Object ^{$_.PublisherId -ne ^"cw5n1h2txyewy^"^}^).PackageFullName ^| Remove-AppxPackage >>%TEMP%\PSR.ps1 powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned powershell %TEMP%\PSR.ps1 del %TEMP%\PSR.ps1 ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. Finished ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Press any key to exit... pause>NUL save that using .cmd extension and run it and it will remove all online store apps. Again I don't recommand that in Win10 as it does not discriminate and will possibly mess with ability to re-download/run apps.
I think it's not possible to remove it completely without breaking other parts of the system. It worked in early Insider builds, but at some point it started to break the Start menu and/or Search. I guess even if Cortana itself is disabled, the app still provides the normal search functionality, therefore it is running in the back.
IMHO yes, for one simply reason: it's an appx packages (not a "deeper" component) and has a "unistall" command. Just in case anyone is wondering "What is an App + Data Services API App Connector?" Code: hxxps://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-service-logic-data-connectors/ (Sorry but can't use html tag, i've too few posts. )
I highly recommend not doing this at this point. I mention this because it is too early on to say if this has other reactions.
Um...Add-AppxPackage ??? Honestly, you guys should not be running PowerShell commands if you don't know what they do or exactly mean. PowerShell is VERY powerful...
I agree. I don't understand why not use the official method with dism but rely on alternative/unsupported/risky methods.
I can tell you how NOT to do it: booting into linux and moving everything in the windows/systemapps folder to a temp folder. I rebooted into W10 and it broke the action center, volume control, search, start menu, etc. So I fired up linux again and moved the systemapps folder back where it belonged, rebooted into W10, and nothing worked still. I had to reinstall. I probably could have got it working again but at that point I was too tired to think.
I have renamed all folders inside C:\Windows\SystemApps except the ShellExperienceHost one and everything is fine on my system. SearchUI is not running. Nonetheless you can search files inside explorer. This batch will do it automatically: Code: @echo off @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion net session >nul 2>&1 if %errorLevel% NEQ 0 ( echo ERROR: Please run this script as admin! echo. pause exit ) echo ============================= echo DISABLE WINDOWS 10 SYSTEMAPPS echo ============================= echo. echo Disabling Apps... echo. cd C:\Windows\SystemApps for /f %%f in ('dir /b C:\Windows\SystemApps') do ( cd %%f for %%* in (.) do set CurrDirName=%%~nx* if NOT "!CurrDirName!"=="!CurrDirName:ShellExp=!" ( cd .. ) else ( for /r %%x in (*.exe) do TASKKILL /F /IM %%~nxx cd .. ren %%f disabled_%%f ) ) echo. echo FINISHED! pause