this tool hasnt got all the registry fixes + just stolen work and credits. it does not shut up your win 10, perhaps it only makes it a little more quit but it will still be a bigmouth
How do we know its stolen, it may have been stolen off them to begin with. Its a tangled world we live in.
Wouldn't make a discussion of credits now. All companies have been insiders too and knew about the ins and outs of MS spying. So just accept the program for what it is. It might be that others will jump on the wagon and as @pf100 said, get more attention from MS.
How is this any better then donotspy10? Infact i think donotspy works better and was out first lol ( after exctracting it from adware installer that is )
Ok dumb question: When an option is green, it's disabled? or are the telemetry "options" disabled when red?
All these crappy tools that everyone is using is like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. This is not the answer. The answer is to cut this crap off at the source and tell M$ to stop this crap to begin with.
borrowed work or not, its handy all in one solution. Given away free, I wont bitch, but if they charge for it - Id like to see where they gathered all their goodies from - I mean I know 0&0 are a well established company, and have the exact means or more than we all do here at MDL. Whether they ripped the info from MDL or found it on their own, its free just like here, so I wont complain. Of course thanks always go to our brothers/sisters at MDL first, we get everything here first (pretty much!!). I still haven't run anything to see if it actually stops anything or everything yet btw lol.
It's nice to see O&O has a sense of humor also- the sub-build number on the .exe is 1337, geekspeak for elite.
On such a small app and being its initial release, I think they could've put any number there. So I give em credit for having a little fun with it.
The end result will be better privacy. If enough people start using these "crappy" tools it'll send a big message to MS to provide these options as default. And even if MS does nothing, we will. Windows 10 has been in the public for 3 weeks now. Give the privacy blocking tools time to mature. As it is, MS knows we'd rather use a possibly bad utility that might trash our system down the line rather than allow the flagrant abuses of privacy that they now impose upon us. Maybe we can stop the bullet so no band-aid is needed. All of us tech types all over the world working together to say what works and what doesn't will make the perfect privacy app. And I don't want to hear about "stolen ideas!" We are working together to fix this abuse from MS and as such all ideas should be thrown into the mix to fix this. I don't see O&O saying it was their idea nor are they taking credit for it. Any and all ideas will help make the world a better place; your world and mine. This is a good thing. The more privacy apps, the better. Even if some completely trash your system. That's not the point. The point is our collective privacy. Period. End off rant.
So I'm looking at a fresh install of 64 professional and am in the registry and cannot find many of the keys that this program apparently alters. Does the program add the keys manually? For Instance: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AdvertisingInfo]"Enabled"=dword:00000000 and [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Personalization] "NoLockScreenCamera"=dword:00000001 There simply is no "Personalization" or AdvertisingInfo folder present to alter the keys. Is this because of the custom settings upon installation (all turned off) I wonder or is this program supposed to go through and physically add these entries
go backwards in the thread, there is a list of reg entries posted by a member already. Page 2 I believe.
Yes, this is where I discovered the entries and wanted to navigate to the entries individually to check them out before I ran the program, but they are not there, whcih is why I was wondering if they were added after running said program
Some reg keys don't exist and you need to add them to disable/enable a feature. For example, if you want to disable OneDrive you have to create 1 key which doesn't exist in a freash install at all, same goes for MRT, etc.
Yes, I just ran the program and discovered the entries are now added. Thank you for the info, I suspected as much but just wanted to be sure