@xinso, where I can obtain these files? I need to obtain these files for unstaging process. Code: microsoft-windows-client-features-package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.15063.0.cat microsoft-windows-client-features-package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.15063.0.mum Also, I've tried to use these files. But any of them didn't have the file I need. Code: Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package.esd Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package.cab Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package.psf
This error is fixed. But now I'm getting this error: Code: CBS_E_INDENTITY_MISMATCH code 0x800f0818 It must be caused by registry version mismatch. But I'm very confused about it. If I use registry files from unstaged installation media, then I get this error above. If I use registry files from staged/MSDN installation media, then It detects as "Core" SKU, and installs Core SKU instead. It also doesn't ask which SKU to install.
Available Key Types of 10537.1000.150902-1600.TH2_SIGMA_GRFX_DEV_CLIENTUNSTAGED_RETAIL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO Code: ProfessionalWMC Volume _Default ProfessionalStudent OEM Volume _Default ProfessionalS Volume _Default Professional OEM Volume _Default PPIPro OEM Volume EnterpriseSEval Eval EnterpriseS OEM Volume _Default EnterpriseEval Eval Enterprise OEM Volume _Default EmbeddedIndustryEval Eval EmbeddedIndustryEEval Eval EmbeddedIndustryE OEM Volume EmbeddedIndustryA OEM Volume EmbeddedIndustry OEM Volume Education OEM Volume _Default CoreConnectedSingleLanguage OEM Volume _Default CoreConnectedCountrySpecific OEM Volume _Default CoreSingleLanguage OEM Volume _Default CoreCountrySpecific OEM Volume _Default CoreConnected OEM Volume _Default CoreARM OEM Volume Core OEM Volume _Default Starter _Default Done
Please, how i can build Windows 11 WCOS (Windows 11 Core OS)? Or any link for sharing? I want on x64 laptop device.
No, if we define the destination as the package itself, not a shared place holder. You mean: A in 14393 B in 14393 C in 14393 I mean: A in 14393\A B in 14393\B C in 14393\C All independent. All is update.*. Rule: Only the Parent-package is update.*, and full name for all Sub-packages in it. Yeah, it is complicated and more difficult, I think. No worries. Thank you. It is working fine in your design.
SOLVED! THANK YOU. Just copy Parent.cat to update.cat Parent.mum to update.mum And, all Sub-packages remain full name. Perfect. Yeah, your way is fast, very fast.
Is this Python 3 or Python 2? I can't run it since I didn't install Python yet. And I don't know which version I should use.
Extracting Microsoft-Windows-ProfessionalEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.19041.1 to folder owouwu way 23:46 1/22 23:50 1/22 SuperBubble way 23:51 1/22 00:44 1/23
Hi, is there any way to get *.mum and *.cat files for Windows 8 or Windows 8.1? I could not make Windows 10 unstaged. With Windows 10, I was run out of luck. I want to try my luck with Windows 8.1 instead.
It is impossible to switch among incompatible builds. [Windows 10 Compatible Group] 10240 LTSB\10586 ------------------------------------------------------------- 14393 LTSB\15063\16299\17134 ------------------------------------------------------------- 17763 LTSC\18362\19041.1 to 1149 ------------------------------------------------------------- 19041.1120 LTSC\20348\22000 Windows 10 Starter? ONLY 15063 is available. So, you can make 14393\16299\17134 Starter. e.g. 14393.0 Core to Starter amd64. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...struction-project.80939/page-318#post-1718693 Of course, you can also make 14393\16299\17134 Unstaged with 15063 packages because they are compatible.
Q: Which packages is the latestet Windows 10 composed of? A: 1. System packages 2. System language pack 3. Language Features packs 4. Feature On Demand packages and language packs
Q: How to find out all necessary packages for universal Reconstruction of all available SKUs? A: 1. Extract \Windows\servicing\Packages of all SKUs into one folder, except that of base SKU. 2. Copy those of base SKU into that folder to overwrite and delete. The rest are the packages you need for universal SKU reconstruction.