Hi, this is my first post. I have Asus P5B Deluxe, when i update my bios from 1101 to 1215 i loose the genuine of Winodows Vista I try to mod the bios as i did it before(replacing the FC section with Asus byte code) but nothing happens, vista ask me for activation. Please, if someone have solution to respond!
Asus revised SLP2.0 rule. Replacing FC module won't work anymore. Try to use automatic v3 tool to mod. Yen
Hello Yen! Whats the differance between your mod and the one that super static v3 makes? it differs a bit in the hex values... Comparing files P5B-ASUS-Deluxe-1215.ROM and P5B-ASUS-DELUXE-1215.ROME 000FFF50: 02 00 000FFF51: A4 A0 000FFF52: 5D 61 000FFF53: 5A 55 000FFFEB: 14 19 000FFFEC: 14 16 000FFFED: 49 48 000FFFEE: 45 41 000FFFF9: 34 39 u have any idea? im just curious...
The method is absolutely the same. The different bytes result of different built date and caused of this different checksum. Yen