Hello everyone, is there any chance that someone could mod the Intel DQ67OW BIOS for me, i mainly need the ability to change a multiplier and memory clock speed. -Manufacturer: INTEL -Motherboard Model: DQ67OW -Bios revision: SWQ6710H.86A -Bios Type: Modified AMI bios hidden in a .bin file -Bios Download Link: https ://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27742/BIOS-Update-SWQ6710H-86A-?product=51999 -RW Everything Report Download Link: WHAT IS THIS???
Do it yourself: Phoenixtool 2.66 (or 2.73) Manuf.: Asus SLIC: Dell 2.1 SLP: --- (None !) Key: KEY.TXT Method: New Module GO!