Yes. I have one win 7 that was a fresh install back in December. That one took all the updates. The 7s that are running a while didnt take updates.
Can you run this in an elevated cmd? Code: dism /online /get-Packages /format:table >"%userprofile%\Desktop\Packages.txt" And post the result here (txt in code tags or txt as attachment)? And reset WU as explained at the OP.
This happened to me, because I had installed Windows 7 on Ryzen computer, which obviously does require some tricks, if using original Windows 7 SP1 USB image. I had used ASUS EZ Installer to modify the image to include USB3 drivers and maybe something else too (?). So yes, I have c:\windows\configsetroot full of unnecessary files and global env. variable set as %configsetroot%=C:\Windows\ConfigSetRoot. I guess both of them (the variable) and all files in that folder are safe to delete ? So I had to copy the from bin folder to C:\Windows\ConfigSetRoot in order for the script to succeed. As it seems that several people have this issue, you may want to add one more additional "if" check in the next Bypass version. Thanks anyway for great work!
Is Offline Wim/Image Integration manually mount the image of install.wim where you right-click on and run as administrator and enther the correct path for mounted directory or offline image drive letter if run as administrator was sucessful for example Full installation (most recommended option) was successfully completed? If so what would be the correct path for the mounted directory or offline image drive letter?
Lite doesn't enable the WU patcher, i have no server 2008 experience. You have installed both, the separate updates and the rollup, the rollup contains all fixes which already are in the separate updates.
Is this still recommended to do if the LiveOS-Setup.cmd is run as administrator and Full Installation is selected. I was finally able to finish on my Notebook installing 3-2020 Security Monthly Quality Rollups for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB4550735) only after fully removing Bitdefender Total Security 2020.
Sorry, I corrected the post, is what you wrote still valid? Since I don't have installed SSU KB4550735 (Servicing stack update for Windows 7 SP1: March 10, 2020), does it have to be installed manually and must it be replaced for each month? Grazie
As you can see here, all will be offered on WU: If you don't use WU you have to install them manually.
By removing Bitdefender 2020 Total Security on my Desktop PC running Window 7 Pro 64-Bit I was able to run the LiveOS-Setup properly to manually download and install the 3-2020 Monthly rollups for Windows 7 for x64-based System (KB4540688) I wanted to thank Enthousiast for getting back so quickly with the much needed information.
Thanks for the info. Just to be sure, can you desactivate it once again? Also, do you know if updating with WU (i.e. rollups), is worse than security only updates regarding telemetry?
Have done nothing since I installed V4 and associated files, plus February updates. Today I installed the roll-up, security update for IE, and SSU...all for Windows 7x64, with no hitches whatever. Thanks to all responsible for this bypass.
never mind I found the problem as to why the bypass v5 keeps failing as in the attached pic on the win7 home premium laptop: seems I had KB4528069 previously installed on there and somehow uninstalled it almost a month ago (but not all of the files & reg entries related to 4528069 were removed) and attempting to re-install KB4528069 ends in failure. Had to use PowerRun to run RegEdit and a 3rd party File Manager tool like Explorer++ with either SYSTEM or TrustedInstaller rights to delete all the registry entries and kb4528069 cat/mum files from the \Windows\Servicing\Packages\ & \Windows\System32\Catroot\ folder with all the KB4528069 files & reg entries completely gone, I rebooted and re-ran the bypass esu v5 script and KB4528069 installed successfully on the laptop using Win7 Home premium. after that I installed the Mar 2020 SSU & monthly rollup without any problems lesson learned - never remove KB4528069, keep it on there