If someone wrote me or not Im still stuck on this. One win 7 said I had the updates on Tuesday. Sweet It was a fresh install 5 months ago. The rest nothing. I was told to refresh the WU? Ok How and where. Dont want to manually update them. Someone here is doing that. Since there is so few people here now my post shouldn't be missed. Write me on how or tell me to FO or something.
You have been answered several times, just one of them: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...dates-eligibility.80606/page-117#post-1583687
Dont know quite how to do that Im googling trying to see what I can do. Seen one here he went manual on the updates and that may be the reason
If you don't know how to use one command line, what on earth makes you want to stay on 7 anyway. Open a cmd prompt as admin and copy past the line: Code: net stop wuauserv delete c:\windows\softwaredistribution folder and reboot, run WU again.
Added an instruction video for resetting WU manually to the Troubleshoot Q&A: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...dates-eligibility.80606/page-118#post-1583751
This Post concerns Bypass-v5-AIO-WS2008 for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, mentioned in Post (OP) #2379 of abbodi 1406. The Bypass-v5-AIO-WS2008 does not work properly or has a faulty operation. In fact, I tested this Bypass on my Fixed Computer which still works under Windows Vista Family Edition Premium SP2 with x86 architecture (32 Bits). First of all and as requested in the "Readme.txt" File, I have previously successfully installed the necessary Prerequisite Updates as follows: - KB4493730 x86 of April 2019 - KB4474419 x86 of September 2019 - KB4537830 x86 by February 2020-03-15 - KB4538484 x86. Then when I start the installation of Bypass-v5-AIO-WS2008 with the command "Liveos-Setup" with "run as administrator", he answers me the following message: ==== ERROR ==== Required updates are missing - You must install 1) KB4493730 2) KB4474419 3) KB4537830 (Féb. 2020) or later servicing Stack Update. Obviously there is a problem because these Prerequisite Updates are already properly installed on my system. Does anyone know the solution to this problem? Thank you in advance to the competent members of this Forum.
It's just to confirm that the bypass v5 utility works perfectly as expected with March 2020 esu updates on win7 ultimate: 1. KB4550735_Servicing stack update for Win7 SP1_Mar.10,2020 installed manually. 2. Mar. 10, 2020—KB4540688 (Full Mar2020 Rollup) installed online thru Win7 Update Center w/o any glitch. p.s. win7 restart seems to be essential upon the utility install A lot of thanks to the devs & contributors!
@BARBERET I just checked, and i now see that SHA2-Codesigning-Support registry (from KB4474419) gets only installed on Server 2008 not Vista you can manually edit LiveOS-Setup.cmd seach for this line Code: reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Servicing\Codesigning\SHA2 /v SHA2-Codesigning-Support 1>nul 2>nul && set shaupd=1 replace with Code: set shaupd=1 btw, did you try to install March or February updates on Vista? i don't think it need the bypass -- @GoneToPlaid welcome aboard
@abbodi1406 Just want to be sure, but do monthy rollups include any security fixes that don't come with security only updates? Or is it safe to skip monthly rollups and only install security only updates?
As the name says, Security-only packages include all security updates of that month. The full CUs include them, too, but have all additional feature and convenience fixes. There are no security-related updates exclusive to the CUs.
Saturday at 11:07 Last edited: Saturday at 12:10 Wolf Ruediger said: ↑ I have done everything lke in the manual, created "C:\Windows\ConfigSetRoot\" manually and put in "Windows6.1-KB4528069-x64.cab" but always ERROR 3 Try to edit the LiveOS-setup.cmd and delete %%configsetroot%%\ from it at line 264: Change: Code: echo. ^<source location="%%configsetroot%%\Windows6.1-KB4528069-%xOS%.cab" /^> to Code: echo. ^<source location="Windows6.1-KB4528069-%xOS%.cab" /^> And retry the cmd. That was the solution, LiveOS-setup.cmd is now installing. Thanks a lot ! / Unfortunatly Wind 7 doesn't find any new updates. I get the message "no new updates for your computer, code 802400 1F.
I saved the page here you posted to get the WU to work. I dont have time till Wednesday to work on the 7s. My personal 7 is a new install so it takes the updates. I have 7, 10, and 10 enterprise. The main reason for keeping the other 7s going is there is still 775 boards here in classes. Mindanao. Long story. Ill get to fixing them in a few days. Im always out of time. Thanks Where is the updates I can DL for now manually?
so after installing from the WU 2 files now I can manually install match's update, weird but ok. Thanks for the help
No, on WU is only the monthly rollup, manually there are 2 separate updates, the MSIE11 security update and the security only CU. On WU will the march SSU be offered when there are no updates left, installed or hidden. But the actual important thing for your problem is, did you install the feb. 2020 SSU?