Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. whisperalpha

    whisperalpha MDL Junior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
  2. Vyachh

    Vyachh MDL Novice

    Feb 19, 2020
  3. whisperalpha

    whisperalpha MDL Junior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
    Hey does anyone know if there was supposed to be an MSIE update for today? I was waiting for a complete list until everybody got stuck on the .NET 399 problems.
  4. neo_retro

    neo_retro MDL Novice

    Apr 17, 2020
    Cannot find KB4552921 in the update catalog to even try it.
  5. jonnyuk

    jonnyuk MDL Novice

    Dec 7, 2014
    Installed 2020-05 Servicing Stack Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB4555449) and the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 - v5.82 (KB890830) but same as everyone else can't get the 2020-05 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8 for Windows 7 for x64 (KB4556399) to instal. Was there any other updates besides these?
  6. Tito69

    Tito69 MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2019
    hello everyone please help me I currently have bypass v5 with option 3..Now i want the V6 bypass, I have all the prerequisites and once run in admin it offers me only option 4 which is the uninstall! ! Otherwise I also have another problem the update KB4556399 proposed in WU does not want to install
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    If v5 is already running, there is no need for v6 to be used.
  8. RukiaPie

    RukiaPie MDL Novice

    Jan 28, 2020
    Have Wufuc installed and after getting the security update for may installed I was told I wouldn't be getting any more updates because of incompatible hardware. I got the SSU after I closed out of the message. I didn't get the .Net update again but after a quick repair of wufuc and a rescan got the update to be offered again. Keeps failing and so I made my way here to see what's up.
  9. Tito69

    Tito69 MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2019

    ok but when i installed the v6 bypass I validated the option 4 "remove mu esu patcher" 'and after that I reinstalled the v5 bypass with the option 3 that he proposed to me because i thunk i removed all patches.. Is there any consequences to this manipulation? will my v5 bypass still work?

    PS the update KB4556399 proposed in WU does not want to install do you know why please ?
  10. whisperalpha

    whisperalpha MDL Junior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
    No one knows. We've been trying to work that out all day. Not a single person has figured it out. Best we can do is wait for next month's update and hope it gets fixed.
  11. Tito69

    Tito69 MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2019
    Thanks for your answer my friend
  12. Ulti P. Uszer

    Ulti P. Uszer MDL Member

    Sep 18, 2019
    I also now have 3 failed attempts to install the .Net update on my x64 machines, but on an old x86 laptop that I have the .Net update installed perfectly on first attempt while installing today's other ESU's from WU.
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  13. whisperalpha

    whisperalpha MDL Junior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
    WHAAAAAT????? Would you please show the world?!?
    (Hit the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard to take an instant screenshot. And then Ctrl+V to paste here in forum)
  14. Ulti P. Uszer

    Ulti P. Uszer MDL Member

    Sep 18, 2019
    I forgot I do have WES7 x86 (Windows Embedded Standard 7 x86) on here which is still in regular extended support for 2 more yrs.

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  15. whisperalpha

    whisperalpha MDL Junior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
    The weird thing is there's no actual difference between update 399 for WES7 and the 399 for regular W7. It's just a matter of identifying markers.
    But now this makes it harder to know if it is WES7 vs. regular W7, or a completely architectural error (x86 vs. x64)
  16. fylgja

    fylgja MDL Novice

    Jan 27, 2020
    Windows 7 include .NET 3.5, but NET 4.x is optional on Windows 7.
    if you have never install .NET 4.x, (you have .NET 3.5 only), KB4556399 probably success.

    KB4556399 = KB4552940(for .NET 3.5.1) + KB4552920(for .NET4.5) + KB4552919(for .NET4.7) + KB4552921(for .NET4.8).
    case 1 : pure Windows 7 SP1 : KB4552940 probably success
    case 2 : Windows 7 SP1 + .NET4.5 : KB4552940 success + KB4552920 unknown
    case 3 : Windows 7 SP1 + .NET4.6 : KB4552940 success + KB45529?? unknown
    case 4 : Windows 7 SP1 + .NET4.7 : KB4552940 success + KB4552919 unknown
    case 5 : Windows 7 SP1 + .NET4.8 : KB4552940 success + KB4552921 fail
  17. secured2k

    secured2k MDL Novice

    Feb 4, 2011
    So got Error 0x643 (0x0000643 = 1603 in decimal) with the .NET Quality Monthly May Update. All others updates worked. May SSU, Win 7 Ult x64 in a VM using ESU bypass v6.

    It looks like there is a program module included within this patch that checks for ESU validity and it does not use the same methods or DLLs as the Windows Modules Installer (SSU/Windows Update).

    Technical Detail/Logs:

    Downloaded and installed ndp48-kb4552921-x64_6912af0422fc16a14f4f398fda98117f1e2f01b8.exe from MIcrosoft's update catalog site and it failed. Shows a log file and choosing verbose allows us to see the MSI installer log.
    NDP48-KB4552921.msp is now available to install
    Creating new Performer for Patches item
    Action: Performing Install on MSP: C:\208869aa11e5906430\NDP48-KB4552921.msp targetting Product: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
    Successfully called MsiEnableLog with log file set to C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\KB4552921_20200513_004819657-Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8-MSP0.txt
    about to call MsiInstallProduct with PATCH="C:\208869aa11e5906430\NDP48-KB4552921.msp" on product {16735AF7-1D8D-3681-94A5-C578A61EC832}(C:\Windows\Installer\2a748c.msi) to install patches.
    Patch (C:\208869aa11e5906430\NDP48-KB4552921.msp) Install failed on product (Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8). Msi Log:
    MSI returned 0x643
    Viewing this log file there is a custom action where the ESU license is validated (and fails) [Log truncated for viewing].
    Action start 0:48:24: ValidateProductID.
    MSI (s) (F0:3C) [00:48:24:695]: Doing action: CA_ESUValidate_amd64
    MSI (s) (F0:3C) [00:48:24:695]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ActionText
    Action ended 0:48:24: ValidateProductID. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (F0:F0) [00:48:24:711]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI81F1.tmp, Entrypoint: ValidateESULicense
    MSI (s) (F0:54) [00:48:24:711]: Generating random cookie.
    MSI (s) (F0:54) [00:48:24:711]: Created Custom Action Server with PID 4952 (0x1358).
    MSI (s) (F0:E0) [00:48:24:742]: Running as a service.
    MSI (s) (F0:E0) [00:48:24:742]: Hello, I'm your 64bit Impersonated custom action server.
    Action start 0:48:24: CA_ESUValidate_amd64.
    05/13/20 00:48:24 DDSet_Entry: ValidateESULicense Started - Verifying a valid and active ESU License exists.
    05/13/20 00:48:24 DDSet_Status: ESU_FLAG='16ADEA8D-E1F0-4F61-AA2F-DDC9169C6720'
    05/13/20 00:48:24 DDSet_Status: ESU_LOCK='FD9A8176-AB28-415E-87E0-46A9B9EA791E'
    05/13/20 00:48:24 DDSet_Status: OS Detected 'Windows 7 SP1'
    05/13/20 00:48:24 DDSet_Status: ProductInfo 1
    05/13/20 00:48:24 DDSet_Entry: Entering IsSecurityUpdateAllowed
    05/13/20 00:48:24 DDSet_Warning: No ESU License found. Performing IsAzureVM check.
    05/13/20 00:48:30 DDSet_Exit: Exiting IsSecurityUpdateAllowed. HR=-2147012894
    05/13/20 00:48:30 DDSet_Exit: ValidateESULicense Ended. HR=-2147012894
    CustomAction CA_ESUValidate_amd64 returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
    Action ended 0:48:30: CA_ESUValidate_amd64. Return value 3.
    Action ended 0:48:30: INSTALL. Return value 3.