Show exactly what system architecture you have and the downloaded msu filename. And what updates are already installed?
Will version 5 still work or do i need to update? So far so good and don't want to do anything to spoil that
The ESU bypass method did not change from v5 to v7, if you want to be able to install the dotnetfx4x ESU updates (online/offline), you can install v7 over v5 or v6 and it will only offer the new options.
The may rollup and the may ssu are enough, no need for the separate updates after installing the rollup.
@abbodi1406, @IMIKurwica, @mspaintmsi, @Enthousiast, - You guys are fantastic! Thanks for all you do.
Added ESU Bypass AIO v7 Installation GIF:
I can confirm that the .Net Bypass also works perfectly on Server '08 R2. I ran the .Net Bypass first, then installed all the updates through WU and there were no failed updates whatsoever & the May 2020 .Net update is listed under Installed Updates. I truly admire the Bypass developers.
Microsoft released a new ESU Licensing Preparation Package for May 2020. Which one do I want? The February one or the May one?
The may one (although some reported it doesn't matter which one to use, just install the new one and if msft uses a change from it in the future, you're prepared). or
When I try to install the .net update as described I get an error. Software Update KB4552921 Installation Wizard does not apply, or is blocked by another condition on your computer. EDIT: I have now installed the update successfully. I had an error in editing the target properties dialog box. Many Thanks
@Enthousiast I'm sorry you feel that way. Doesn't an understanding of the need for "BypassESU" have a place here? I thought it was very related, and so did you I think, based on your replies to me and others (e.g., @SusanBradley, @FlyingLuka), many of which I missed and found later, such as: Perhaps it would help keep this thread more focused and "related to the subject" if the OP included a justification of the legitimate need for this is immensely helpful tool -- just a short addition to the very first line: with something like the following could suffice: "...intended primarily for non-business users, whom Microsoft has effectively thrown to the wolves by providing them no means of purchasing ESU license keys." Just a humble suggestion. Thanks for everything you are doing here and I'm sorry if you feel this is "off topic".
Workaround for .NET worked perfect. Now, when I tried to installed May updates with KB4528069-Lite pack it reverted back. Yes, I installed April SSU KB4550738 before that. What should I do? I prefer Lite than AIO (unless it is the only way.) Thank you.