I cnt get my pc for 2 months to take KB4550735 Expect all of them will not go. Anyone knows how to DL
Are you choosing the right updates for your computer's architecture (x64 vs x86)? Make sure you have the May SSU (KB4555449... and make sure it's the right architecture for your machine) installed before 1pm PST today and see what happens with Windows Update this afternoon.
Don't know if this is related but my office 2010 just popped up and said it needed activating. Never had a problem before now. It was done with toolkit 2.5 originally
I found bug! If a ".NET 4 ESU Bypass" is installed in the system, I have problem with installation Kaspersky Internet Security 20.0.14. Kaspersky is not installed - reports that viruses are possible in Windows. If I remove the ".NET 4 ESU Bypass", then the problem with installing Kaspersky disappears! Please, fix this problem!
I have Bypass ver 6 installed along w/ the .net separate patch, but the June rollup failed for me. Do we now need Bypass ver 7 to get the updates? Here is the failure error "WindowsUpdate_800F083F" "WindowsUpdate_dt000" UPDATE: After searching for & downloading again with WU, the June Rollup did installed successfully. Maybe it was a bad download the first time.
The June 2020 post-EOL updates were released today and installed in my Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit desktops. I have updated the post-EOL guide that I have been using and updating for the past 5 months. If anyone wants to make use of it, here it is. Make sure Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit is completely up-to-date to its January 2020 EOL. That includes the January 2020 SSU (KB4536952). Obtain and then run the BypassESU-v5 tool. Right-click on "LiveOS-Setup.cmd" and then click "Open" and then select option #1: [1] Full Installation {ESU Suppressor + WU ESU Patcher} Install these post-EOL updates and the BypassESU-v7 tool in the same order that they are listed: February 2020 updates: SMQR (KB4537820) - updates IE to 11.0.175 SSU (KB4537829). March 2020 updates: SMQR (KB4540688) - updates IE to 11.0.180 SSU (KB4550735). April 2020 updates: SMQR (KB4550964) - updates IE to 11.0.185 SSU (KB4550738). May 2020 updates: SMQR (KB4556836) - updates IE to 11.0.190 SSU (KB4555449) Obtain and then run the BypassESU-v7 tool. Right-click on "LiveOS-Setup.cmd" and then click "Open" and then select option #7: [7] Install .NET 4 ESU Bypass June 2020 updates: SMQR (KB4561643) - updates IE to 11.0.195 SSU (KB4562030) IMPORTANT!!! The BypassESU-v7 tool cannot be installed until AFTER the May 2020 SSU (KB4555449) is installed because that update is required so the tool can work with .NET Framework 4.x updates. Make sure to stop the Windows Update service from running BEFORE running each bypass tool and BEFORE installing each post-EOL update. Make sure to restart the computer AFTER running each bypass tool and AFTER installing each post-EOL update.