When doing any monthly Rollup, the Rollup is offered first... following the reBOOT for installation of that Rollup, the same monthly SSU will be offered... they are not offered at the same time. Edit: sorry for the repeat
I have made these very same steps. With Windows Home Premium (64). Identical "Licensing method": KB4528069 & BypassESU-v4.7z . I am very glad that the updates succeed , thanks to abbodi1406 & Co !
This month too everything went in the right direction. Like every second Tuesday of every month, I have to admit that you are geniuses. Thanks again guys!!! (Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit - with BypassESU v5.)
I have Problems with Office 2010 Probably, I found a deficiency in this script. (a) Install BypassESU v7 AIO ([1] Full Installation) ↓ Windows Installer Service(msiserver) is not started. ↓ Security Updates for Office 2010 is not installed via WU(error 80070641): Office 2010 (KB4484377) Word 2010 (KB4484380) Excel 2010 (KB4484415) Office 2010 (KB4484373) (b) Uninstall BypassESU v7 AIO (uninstall ESU Patcher and .NET 4 ESU Bypass) ↓ Security Update for Microsoft Office 2010 is installed successfully via WU. Please fix it. The installation error occurred with 2 laptops (Windows 7 Home, Office 2010). With version BypassESU v6 without .NET 4 ESU Bypass everything worked.
Seems I'm the oddball as I get SSU offered first, together with the full Rollup. I only install the SSU, then the Security-only package + IE11 cumulative. Done.
May I say I f*cking love this forum? This is simply awesome. I was crying at having to migrate to Win10, and now I'll be able to stick with my beloved Win7 for a very long time. Thank you all devs and helpers soooooooo much for this! You guys (and girls, who knows) are the best!
secured2k: Thanks for that clarification. I use Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8, so I knew that list was too short and they needed to be added somewhere in the process. I know nothing about slipstreaming, so I won't be doing that. By the way, using Simplix Update Pack 20.5.30 after installing Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit doesn't seem to require using BypassESU-v5 to obtain post-EOL Windows 7 updates. After I started that computer, Windows Update automatically displayed the June 2020 Security Monthly Quality Rollup to install.
Simplix is a method of scripting updates using dism into an image (slipstreaming) or into a live image. The author(s) are aware of the same changes bypassESU uses and have integrated the same required KB/Fixes into the pack to make it much easier. You can expect in a few days they will have an updated version with June's updates already added as well.
Still rolling along with Bypass v5. Just make sure to get those SSU's installed as they get released. For June: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (KB4561603) Security Only Quality Update for Windows 7 (KB4561669) Servicing Stack Update for Windows 7 (KB4562030) FINI Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit - with BypassESU v5
Version 20.5.30 of Simplix saved me a lot of time and work getting Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit up to date to June 2020. Windows Update displayed the SMQR updates for May and June 2020 and the SSU update for June 2020. IE11 and MNF 4.8 also appeared and were installed. No bypass tools were needed. I'm looking forward to the June update of Simplix.
if you dont want to involve with the bypass tool you can simply install simplix pack every month and thats it.
Can't install the latest Office updates after using v7 recently and that NET framework mess. Keeps reporting 80070641 upon installing, on all updates. Tried that stop/start service from CMD with creating the fake folder SDOLD to no avail. Any ideas?
You don't have to do this every month. Once done, it currently includes all the ESU Bypass and .NETfx Bypass and you can maintain the System via Windows Update from then on. I've tested this using both a 2011 and 2018 RTM factory issue ISO and all works just fine following the Simplix application. A really good way to start with Windows 7 these days...
***I have windows 7 pro. Latest bypass woke up my WU! I downloaded one update manual but the WU found the other. This is what I got. KB4561643 KB4562036 Easy FAILED to DL this one KB4556399 Do I have to have it if so please tell how to get please