The news about this have been posted on 7/12 last year already. They link to here. They do not provide own links or fake / malicious stuff.
Well Don't be too happy, my boss The problem with the bypass project has spread that this will be a problem the more people know about this, the sooner M $ will fix this bug And i Don't Want M$ Fix This Bug #Mamamia No! Best Regards NST_Adventure
In Re: the full screen nag after 1/14/20 (next Tuesday). I deleted the 2 scheduled tasks that had been set for it. I am wondering if that will be enough to prevent me from seeing it?
hi I´ve just installed the test-update smoothly on Home Premium 64 Bit. Really cool, thanks a lot! As things stand now, further three years spared from this spyware-in-OS-suit "10".
Wasn't aware that there was another way of dealing with them, other than disabling them. What command did you perform to get that done?
I went to task scheduler & deleted 2 tasks that had a name similar to "EOS full screen notice" I cannot remember the exact name of them though. I also just checked task scheduler & they are still no longer there.
That won't be a problem. The real problem is this thread becoming a mess to keep up with, regarding actual relevant info. If redundant / uninformed posts were removed, this thread would be 2 pages long! (this phenomenon is called "the hug of death" in some circles)
Can someone provide a link for the updates mentioned above? Microsoft website states check for updates in control panel.
I created this batch script for that Code: @echo off REM Disable "End Of Support" notice on Windows 7 (After 2019-12 Updates) REM Run this in cmd (as admin) to stop the notice from displaying echo. schtasks /change /disable /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify" echo. schtasks /change /disable /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify2" pause>nul
Hello, I was installing the bypassesu in a notebook with windows 7 home basic x86 and I realized that it was missing both updates both KB4523206, KB4516655 and in the two he says "it is not applicable to the computer" and I said ok nothing happens, Total I have the latest stack update. but when I install the bypass and then the kb4528069 test update tells me the same error. What will I have to do? It works the same without installing those updates or I have to reinstall the operating system to be able to execute the bypass successfully. From already thank you very much
Those updates got replaced, these are the current prerequisite updates, according to @abbodi1406 his test post: