Is it necessary to install all versions of .NET, because on my Windows 7 x 64 all I have installed is 4.8 (Programs and Features)
My update process failed in 99% and reverted all, maybe M$ put some trick on it? @Enthousiast I kindly request you to investigate it, because in my machine, all updates till August 2020 Rollups worked so fine... Maybe @abbodi1406 also can help us to discover what will happen, I will try to update my another machine with WES7 and tell if the same will happen or will work fine.. Thanks in advance
If I want to use v8 on top of v5, just run LiveOS-Setup.cmd and make option [2] to install a new suppressor?
@abbodi1406 published v8 for installing the non .net updates, all worked fine. Cause: Tool: GiF:
Why WES7 Updated without any problem and don't needed the v8 tool? I really not understand how the magic happens... Anyway, thank you @abbodi1406 and @Enthousiast
Are you saying .NET updates installed automatically through WU, using dotNetFx4_ESU_Installer (aka standalone installer)? I thought this tool is a manual process, requiring user to download .NET updates, place them in same folder as standalone .NET installer, then run the tool in order for .NET updates to install? Edit: Ah, i missed that he was pointing to a different tool altogether which can pull updates from WU.
v7 installed the .net updates without issues but failed on the non .net updates, v8 doesn't contain the .net esu patcher, only a "new" normal esu patcher for the non .net update(s).
BypassESU v8 AIO worked great - many thanks! Is there any info what exactly is being done here - would interest me technically. If i want to change/manipulate the system as little as possible, i should look at W7ESUI as an alternative - right?
Of interest, Win7 x 64, none of my updates would install using v7, with or without .NET bypass enabled, found out about v8, and ALL installed, including the normal WU of the .NET versions.
v8 doesn't have the .net esu patcher onboard, so it must have been the one from v7 which did enable the .net 4 esu updates to be installed.
A lot of reg changes are made to the system. Mainly HKLM/COMPONENTS. W7ESUI seems to touch this tree too. This is only my observation and abbodi1406 would be the one that could shed some light on your question.