It would be very helpful IMHO to have some sort of script for September ...... For what it's worth, I did the following and it worked fine: 1) Using Bypass v7, uninstall all available components 2) Using Bypass v7, install all available components 3) Using Bypass v8, install all available components 4) Restart the Computer 5) Use WU to install all available MS updates for September
I am waiting for @abbodi1406 to create a new bypass which includes the .net 4 esu bypass from v7 and the "new" normal esu bypass from v8. Or a message from him that he won't
I feel like MS spends half the month coming up with a way to patch out normies and the other half actually fixing things
Yes, but should he? That DotNET Bypass is troublesome, and most people regard AIO as "Set it and forget it". Maybe it should be integrated to enable for 24h, and then being automatically reverted by a task. So, it cannot cause permanent trouble, while still providing enough time to conveniently install .NET CU or Seconly.
For the latest .net update v7 worked fine, so it could be very possible for him to put v7 and v8 together to have it AIO again.
I'm not sure as @Carlos Detweiller said, .NET Bypass can be problematic for some maybe it's best to keep it separated
Best strategy IMHO is to enable the bypasses just prior to the WU, and then disable afterwards to avoid problems with MSIEXEC - very easy for v7 because everything is nicely integrated, but a bit confusing now with v7 and v8
A few Qs: 1. Is ESU Bypass v8 backwards compatible and allows installing all ESUs, even the old ones? (I'm on SecOnly) 2. The Server 2008 one is still at v5. It isn't affected, right?
From WU I succeeded with the .net update and the KB4576628. Only for KB4577051 I am then asked to restart the computer because a service is already running and then it indicates "failed to configure windows updates" when the computer restarts. i download the v8 but it's the same. Someone can help me please ?