Try this: -stop windows update service -go to SoftwareDistribution\DataStore folder and delete everything in it -restart windows update service -try again
I've tried this now and sadly it didn't work. Still gives the 80073712 error code I tried it earlier and it didn't work too. It's a bummer that I can't install the September rollup but any other update/rollup works.
i had this problem over a year ago. it seems tthe update is stucked. i solved it by installing the using the latest simplix pack 7 which contained the rollup that i had problem.wait for the new release of the simplix and try
On my six Win7 machines, after a 100% smooth August updates experience, it was back on the roller coaster last night. I'm quite certain it has nothing to do with the wonderful Bypass but is somehow a combination of M$'s poor testing and the setups of my various machines. Yet again, my most sincere thanks to the devs for all you've done.
Did you try to create an uptodate ISO and perform an inplace/repair upgrade? Should save you the trouble of setting all up again.
Strange one going on for me here. I use a windows 7 VM for running some software on occasion that doesnt play nice with windows 10. I also use the VM as a sort of sandbox for testing things using snapshots too. Today i fired it up and its not activated anymore, but is still installing ESU updates fine. I cant activate it either. Ive tried about 5 different known good keys (mix of OEM, Retail and a VL) none of them work. I have also tried taking it offline and doing phone activation (getcid). The phone activation generates a code and says it was successful, but when i input it into the wizard it tells me its wrong. Strange.
You may need to run Code: slmgr.vbs /rearm in a commandline shell with admin rights, then reboot, then trying again. Rearming resets the license status and should clear all bad effects.
What is the difference between v11 and v9? I had Office 2010 (x64) issues while using v11 due to the .NET bypass, why does it work on the v9-aio version though? Are there any differences between these two versions?