Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. vp2

    vp2 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2015
    Microsoft Edge (in Windows 7) was updated to 109.0.1518.115.
  2. jokkell

    jokkell MDL Novice

    Jan 2, 2009
    #7462 jokkell, Jun 18, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
    A little ambiguity:
    What the .NET Framework 4.8 update kb5027110 is all about? Is this an additional update to kb5027129?
    I have only .NET Framework 4.8 installed.
    Is it enough to install only kb5027110, if that is possible, or must it be both?
    I see vonmir wrote in #7461 he had problems with the larger kb5027129 update for Framework and later he uninstalled the smaller kb5027110 update. Why?

    I'm a little unsure this time. I always install manually and so far everything went smoothly with it.

    edit: KB numbers corrected, sorry...
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  3. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    KB5027129 is rollup, you only need that with base .NET 4.8

    KB5027110 is security only update, you need all or most previous .NET 4.8 security only updates

    use either routes, not both
  4. jokkell

    jokkell MDL Novice

    Jan 2, 2009
    Ok, thanks!
    Is it the same with the last February .NET 4.8 updates kb5022509 (43.2MB) and kb5023823 (9.9MB)? I had both installed at the time.
    Then I would probably have made a mistake, but one could learn from that...:rolleyes:
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  5. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Yes, either rollup or security only
  6. BernieBildman

    BernieBildman MDL Junior Member

    Apr 19, 2019
    Clarification for dumb me, please::

    I have been installing rollups both for .NET updates and Security Monthly Rollups for Windows, need I continue installing the rollups or can I use the Security Only updates? Thanks
  7. olokos

    olokos MDL Novice

    May 22, 2011
    Great work, I installed the 6 recommended updates, I tried 12u and I did get updates up to 2022-10 installed.
    Thank You!

    I'm getting very high sppsvc.exe CPU usage, resource manager shows 24.64% average CPU usage constantly.
    Killing sppsvc.exe only makes it auto-restart and it keeps hogging up CPU endlessly.
    There are no more updates for me and sppsvc keeps using 25% CPU even after being left for a few hours.

    Win 7 Professional 64 bit

    Is that a known bug?
    Can I remove WU ESU Patcher and .NET 4 ESU Bypass with the tool at this point?
  8. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Yes, it's design flaw, not bug per se

    however, sppsvc.exe high cpu usage should not last more than few minutes
    unless you have programs that query licensing functions constantly, or Windows Update setting is not manual check (red option), or use KMS_VL_ALL AutoRenewal

    .NET 4 ESU Bypass can be removed anytime
    WU ESU Patcher from BypassESU 12u has no effect currently
  9. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Continue installing the rollups
  10. m.fessler

    m.fessler MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2020
    #7470 m.fessler, Jun 29, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
    Also this month the BypassESU worked perfectly again.
    Many thanks for the great work!

    Is that also the way to go in case of a new Win7 installation?
    Thanks and regards, Martin
  11. humberta0

    humberta0 MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2020
    Sorry if this might have been asked before, but a quick search didn't turn up anything:

    So far I have been using bypass_esu to install all the "regular" updates up to January 2023 on W7 Pro 64bit. Can I use the ESUs Standalone Installer to install the latest Windows Server 2008 R2 monthly rollup or are there any other prerequsites that I am missing? Will I continue to receive MSE updates as usual?
  12. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
  13. senninfabio

    senninfabio MDL Novice

    Oct 28, 2018
    Guys, which software should I use to receive all current and future updates?
  14. maetel

    maetel MDL Novice

    Jun 23, 2023

    If it may interest some people, who are still struggling to install the V12 patch,

    First of all big thanks to everyone for keeping W7 alive!! :worthy::worthy::worthy:

    Then, I wanted to share with you my experience to finally install V12 patch.
    (I had a lot of problems: crash, blue screen....) :evil2:


    -w7 Home Home Edition its version: (in cmd: "systeminfo") [V6.7601] X64 since 2009.

    I used BypassESU to install updates for Windows 7 Home Family [V6.7601] X64 until January 10, 2023.
    To continue receiving updates via Windows Update, since January 2020 I have always followed the recommendations, and in particular
    I installed and used the different BypassESU, v7, v9-AIO, v10 and v11.

    Then nothing! I learned late in May 2023 of the V12 patch version.
    I advise you to make an ISO before taking over, because often I had to install, uninstall patches and others, reinstall ...

    Updates were displayed, but once installed, dead screen.

    I put back the ISO 3 times.

    So I started from the beginning:

    -Review all the basic [KB] until January,
    -Then, I "disabled the firewall", and anti-virus, (this is important!) :)

    before doing the sequel: I recently installed BypassESU-v12 which allowed me to install the ESU Suppressor option.

    BypassESU-v12 now gives me 2 options:

    [ 4 ] Remove ESU patch

    [ 6 ] Remove .NET 4 ESU bypass I do not change anything and leave it as is.


    Before proceeding, check that you have:

    - Prerequisite updates for ESU:

    KB4490628: Servicing Stack Update
    KB4474419: SHA-2 code signing support update
    KB4575903: ESU Licensing Preparation Package
    KB5017397: Latest Extended Servicing Stack Update (or later)
    Updated Windows Update Client, at least KB3138612)

    I then installed the Win7 WU-ESU Patcher, which gives me 3 options or choices:

    [ 1 ] Hotfix as Windows Embedded 7 category

    [ 2 ] Hotfix as Windows Server 2008 R2 category

    [ 3 ] Patch as Windows Server 2008 R2 category + Windows 7 category.

    Selection [1]! (for W7! Ok)

    To find out if the patch works I checked with cmd:
    wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where "(ID='4f1f646c-1e66-4908-acc7-d1606229b29e') and PartialProductKey is not null" get PartialProductKey

    If the answer is: PartialProductKey Then it works!

    Restart! (big anxiety....) :rip2:

    I have 2 updates from June 2023.... (many crashed the PC because not compatible) ::clap::clap3:

    2023-06 Quality Monthly Rollup for Windows Embedded Standard 7 for x64-based Systems (KB5027275)

    2023-06 .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, and 4.8 Security and Quality Patch for Windows Embedded Standard 7, x64 (KB5027540)

    (WARNING: these updates seem long and hardly turn the computer on and on, but work at the end. You have to wait without disconnecting anything.
    Remember to disable firewall and anti-virus!!) :angel_not:

    -----------------------------------------------------FRENCH VERSION---------------------------------------


    si ça peut intéresser certaines personnes, qui ont encore du mal à installer le patch V12,
    Tout d'abord grand merci à tous pour garder W7 en vie!!:worthy::worthy::worthy:

    Ensuite, je voulais vous partager mon expérience pour installer enfin le patch V12.
    (J'ai eu beaucoup de problèmes: plantage, écran bleu....):evil2:


    -w7 home édition familiale

    sa version: (en cmd: "systeminfo") [V6.7601] X64 depuis 2009

    J'ai utilisé BypassESU pour installer des mises à jour pour Windows 7 Home famillial [V6.7601] X64 jusqu'au 10 janvier 2023.

    Pour continuer à recevoir les mises à jour via Windows Update, depuis janvier 2020 j'ai toujours suivi les recommandations ,

    et notamment j'ai installé et utilisé les différents BypassESU, v7, v9-AIO, v10 et v11.

    Puis plus rien! J'ai appris tardivement la version patch V12, en Mai 2023.

    je vous conseille de faire une ISO avant de reprendre la suite, car souvent j'ai dû installer, désinstaller patchs et autres, réinstaller...:ablow:

    Des mises à jour s'affichaient, mais une fois installées, écran mort. J'ai remis 3 fois l'iso.

    j'ai donc repris depuis le début: revoir toutes les [KB] de bases jusqu'en janvier,

    puis, j'ai "désactivé le pare feu", et anti-virus, ( c'est important) avant de faire la suite:

    J'ai récemment installé BypassESU-v12 qui m'a permis d'installer l'option ESU Suppressor.

    BypassESU-v12 me donne maintenant 2 options :

    [ 4 ] Supprimer le correctif ESU

    [ 6 ] Supprimer le contournement .NET 4 ESU

    Je ne change rien et laisse tel quel.


    Avant de continuer, vérifiez que vous avez:

    - Prerequisite updates for ESU:

    KB4490628: Servicing Stack Update
    KB4474419: SHA-2 code signing support update
    KB4575903: ESU Licensing Preparation Package
    KB5017397: Latest Extended Servicing Stack Update (or later)
    Updated Windows Update Client, at least KB3138612)

    J'ai ensuite installé le Win7 WU-ESU Patcher, qui me donne 3 options ou choix :

    [ 1 ] Correctif en tant que catégorie Windows Embedded 7

    [ 2 ] Correctif en tant que catégorie Windows Server 2008 R2

    [ 3 ] Patch en tant que catégorie Windows Server 2008 R2 + catégorie Windows 7.

    Sélection [1]! ( pour W7!ok)

    Pour savoir si le patch fonctionne j'ai vérifié avec cmd:

    wmic path SoftwareLicensingProduct where "(ID='4f1f646c-1e66-4908-acc7-d1606229b29e') and PartialProductKey is not null" get PartialProductKey

    si réponse : PartialProductKey alors ça fonctionne!

    Redémmarrage! (grosse angoisse....):rip2:

    J'ai 2 mises à jours de juin 2023 ....(beaucoups ont planté le pc, car non compatible):clap::clap3:

    2023-06 Correctif cumulatif mensuel de qualité pour Windows Embedded Standard 7 pour les systèmes basés sur x64 (KB5027275)

    2023-06 Correctif sécurité et qualité .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2 et 4.8 pour Windows Embedded Standard 7, x64 (KB5027540)

    (ATTENTION: ces mises à jour semblent longues et allument et rallument difficilement l'ordinateur, mais fonctionnent à la fin.

    Il faut bien attendre sans rien débrancher. Pensez bien à désactiver pare-feu et anti-virus!!!) :angel_not:
  15. TehLandstander

    TehLandstander MDL Novice

    Sep 4, 2022
    #7476 TehLandstander, Jul 9, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2023
    Windows Update still doesn't work for me, but I can manually update. I thought I'd try again and saw mention of 'remove_wsus.cmd'. Where can I find that?

    Edit: Never mind. It's part of WSUS_Proxy. Never used it, but tried remove_wsus anyway and got:

    ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
    ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
    ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
    ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.

    I don't know. I just can't get WU_ESU_Patcher to run for some reason. Command windows still opens, nothing happens then closes.
  16. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Open command prompt as administrator, and paste the full path for WU_ESU_Patcher.cmd and run
    see if it show any error

    if that did not work, goto "bin" folder from the extracted v12, and run superUser64.exe
    if it opened command window, then paste the full path for WU_ESU_Patcher.cmd and run
  17. TehLandstander

    TehLandstander MDL Novice

    Sep 4, 2022
    Starting WU_ESU_Patcher.cmd just results in a command prompt afterwards. Nothing happened.

    I was unfamiliar with superUser, grabbed it from Github... and that did nothing either. Running it from a command prompt resulted in: [E] Could not open/start the TrustedInstaller service.

    This is weird. This PC had no issues with earlier versions of BypassESU.