Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
  2. FuzzleSnuz

    FuzzleSnuz MDL Junior Member

    Nov 27, 2020
    Had you actually read the article that you linked, you would see "NOTE: The vendor considers this a low severity issue". Had you looked up why that might be, you would find explanations in line with what acer-5100 just shared. You could have and should have done both before posted a minimalist, cherry-picked message here with 90% of the critical context censored by lying through omission.
    Go fear monger somewhere else.
  3. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Really threatening issues will be patched by them, regardless if it's out of support. They have done so in the past, for XP.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  4. Avalon2020

    Avalon2020 MDL Novice

    Feb 7, 2023
    What the hell is the problem with you guys? I just provided information about the vulnerability and hypothesized, not suggested to do anything. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves what they want to do, I'm not encouraging or forcing anyone to do anything.

    Your accusing me of anything simply has no basis in fact.
  5. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Not to be pedantic but you didn't start with "take a note about this vulnerability", you started with "time to move to windows 10" which is an exaggeration, to say the best.

    So don't blame other people (who responded with polite and informative replies)
  6. TehLandstander

    TehLandstander MDL Novice

    Sep 4, 2022
    Btw, got tired of not being able to get Win7 WU ESU Patcher to work so I removed the ByPass from v12, copied the contents of WU ESU Patcher's BIN folder to the BypassESU-v12/BIN folder.
    Running ByPassESU it did seem to run successfully...
    Long story short... don't do that.
    It broke wuauserv (Windows Update) service. Managed to fix it, but again, don't try this at home.
  7. Browsers list for Windows 7
  8. John_3_16

    John_3_16 MDL Member

    Feb 8, 2020
    Thanks a ton.

    I was unaware of this thread. It does make sense that it was created & exists here though. I am leaning towards some of the FF forks like Pale Moon. I am not a big fan of Google or chromium/chrome browsers. Very hard to remove the spyware out of them once it is buried deep inside millions of lines of code. ;>)
  9. I am fan of Firefox too. Firefox v115.1 ESR (mentioned on my list) still works reliably on Windows 7 and SlimFirefox makes it even cleaner.
    Try it. You will not regret.
  10. whisperalpha

    whisperalpha MDL Junior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
    Ugh, I'm so tired of the obsessive paranoia around updating browsers... In terms of security, have a decent AV installed and properly configured, load your browser with extensions that block trackers and cookies (like Ghostery, as a mere example) and you're good to go as long as you don't purposely visit shady or poorly coded sites. As for firefox, after v56, there were so many flaws and lost features that I went back to ESR 52.9, and it works just fine for 90% of sites out there! Unless you visit RICH websites whose design is more concerned with aesthetics and visual appeal than real functionality, (like Walmart, Offerup, poshmark, Public, and Twitter, to name a few) there's no point in updating your browser! Of course, I use IceDragon and Waterfox as companions for more complex sites or larger workloads to minimize the risk of a total crash.
  11. Sinclair ZX81

    Sinclair ZX81 MDL Novice

    Feb 4, 2023
    Moin @ All!

    My August 2023 ESUpdate experience for Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 systems:

    "Licensing method": KB4528069 & "new" BypassESU-v12

    "Installing method": Manual download and installation via Microsoft®Update-Catalog

    KB5029243 (Cumulative Security Update for IE 11 for Windows Embedded 7 Standard / Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1) -> succesfully installed

    KB5029307 (Security Only Quality Update for Windows Embedded 7 Standard / Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1) -> succesfully installed

    KB5028958 (Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 4.8) -> succesfully installed

    KB5028969 (Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.5.1) -> succesfully installed

    The following additional updates were offered by the Microsoft servers via the Windows Update Search and were also successfully installed: Security Intelligence-Update for Microsoft Security Essentials.

    @ abbodi1406: Thx for your support! Great job!
  12. HangNail

    HangNail MDL Novice

    Jan 20, 2021
    I had been updating my 3 win7 machines since 2020 thanks to the fine work of abbodi1406. After 1/23 I assumed the party was over and there would be no more updates. Today I decided to come back here and see if there had been any developments. I'm really glad I did! It took a while to go through the thread and figure it all out, but I was able to update all of my machines today. This is great! Thanks again abbodi1406!
  13. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    No need to quote the whole post

    v12 is update to v9