Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. John_3_16

    John_3_16 MDL Member

    Feb 8, 2020
    I knew there had to be a good reason I was still hanging onto it. I must have read your same message years ago & just forgot; still hanging onto it & updating it all this time.

    Thanks for the reminder & facts for everyone else. I agree; M$ is not to be trusted. ;>))
  2. John_3_16

    John_3_16 MDL Member

    Feb 8, 2020
    Read Comment#8480 after your last & BEFORE deactivating IE. It is well worth keeping & updating.
  3. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Deep integration of the Trident engine (that's the actual framework part) already started with the IE 4.0 "Active Desktop Update", for the few who still remember. Before, the Desktop and Explorer were mostly static, and you could only use BMP (and maybe DIB, RLE, don't remember well) as Desktop background. Active Desktop brought JPG and even "website as background" support, and much more. It has stayed integrated since then and only now MS detaches the OS from Trident (just to make the same mistake again with Edge).
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  4. SEBA33

    SEBA33 MDL Junior Member

    Oct 28, 2024
    It isn't mistake. It is future. Can fully replace that example for Firefox or other browser without be with much browsers.
  5. SEBA33

    SEBA33 MDL Junior Member

    Oct 28, 2024
    Of course we tell about Internet Explorer browser. Not about that all Active X IE what Microsoft will kill to 2029.
  6. Seven4ever

    Seven4ever MDL Member

    May 16, 2023
    Seven4ever said:
    I have 2 PCs under W7, one is up to date with patch 13f, got december updates thanks for it.
    Second pc have error because I had stopped updates for some months:
    It got updates to november 2023, it is patched with version from 02 march 2023, when launching update i get error 80072EFD . What are the steps to update it including december 2024 Kbs?​

    Did you use WSUS Proxy or Standalone WU ESU Patcher?
    try to remove each​
    You mean I do remove all and install 13f directly ?
  7. Elmbeard

    Elmbeard MDL Novice

    Dec 21, 2019
    I run Win7 as a guest OS on my Macbook Pro via an antique version of Parallels (later versions only support the latest versions of Windows and MacOS, which are no use to me). Some time in the past, Win7 developed a glitch whereby it sent square wave pops and crackles through the sound card and wrecked the speakers on my laptop. It also had a habit of putting these onto any sound file I was editing. I therefore use Windows XP for this, and also for burning CDs, as it is rock solid and I never have any trouble with slowness, processor overload or pops and crackles. XP does all I want except browsing and is half the size of Win7. I use Win 7 when browsing mostly since the browsers stopped supporting earlier operating systems, and thanks to this site, I am still reasonably secure for now.

    I examined the sound drivers, and most have identical copies in the Repository, so it is less likely these have got corrupted. However, there is one (ksthunk.sys) that is not in the Repository that was originally installed in 2009 (and probably came with the installation disk), but seems to being updated monthly, certainly since June, with the latest update being in October. Would this be part of the monthly rollup? Ksthunk is a converter to allow 64-bit programs to be run on a 32-bit system. Since the Mac is 64-bit, and so is my version of Win7, I am wondering if this is causing the soundcard problem, corrupting sound files, so the overload is played and then wrecks the speakers. Would it be wise to restore the original version of this file, and hope that Windows Update is not corrupting it with updates?
  8. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    v13 can override WU ESU Patcher

    if you used WSUS Proxy, run Remove_wsus.cmd
  9. Seven4ever

    Seven4ever MDL Member

    May 16, 2023
    So fine, removed proxy, error has gone but of course no new update found
    What would you suggest to get latests updates, apply directly 13.f patch with 2008 r2 server or apply intermediate updates with another patch ?
  10. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    The updates would be the same regardless

    it can help to ensure that latest SSU KB5039339 is installed
  11. Seven4ever

    Seven4ever MDL Member

    May 16, 2023
    I have unistalled WU ESU patcher (it was v11) and installed V12 for W7 embedded.
    With it, I got and installed :
    kb4054095 from 10/24
    kb5044356 from 10/24
    kb5039339 from 06/24
    Then I have donwloaded and installed V13f, over V12, select updates for 2008 server R2 and finally got and installed :
    kb5048695 from 12/24 and older ones I have masked.
    Thanks for the tool ;)
  12. SEBA33

    SEBA33 MDL Junior Member

    Oct 28, 2024
    Me try again vmware + turned integrated memory + paravirtualize SCSI with driver + Virtualize IOMMU if still will be BSODS by turned vbs in Windows host. I hope finally will work. But... If it install automatically WHP when install vmware, so it use that function for something. So then why BSODS in VMs after few moments on VMWare?
  13. Mivas

    Mivas MDL Novice

    Dec 14, 2019
    Thank you again to the developers of the all in one ESU patches! I installed the 13th version and was able to install both November and December security only updates without issue. Browsers are fine after installation of both updates (Waterfox Classic, Edge chromium and latest Chrome). I also installed latest IE11 rollup, NET 3.5.1 and 4.8 (removed the NET patch afterwards).

    Unfortunately, I couldn't install NET 4.7.x update (from October, already with old patch, then with new, then with standalone NET 4 patch), it always showed error before installation. Not a big deal probably, but in case any breach occurs in these components, I would like to get this update as well. Any ideas? Do I need any other perquisite for 4.7.x?
  14. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    NET 4.7.x update is not needed (and should not be installed) if you have NET 4.8
  15. Mivas

    Mivas MDL Novice

    Dec 14, 2019
    Thank you very much!! I was mostly concerned about security, but if the 3.5.1 and 4.8 NET updates are more than enough, then I am also more than happy! Many thanks again!!!
  16. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    4.8 completely supersedes 4.7 (actually every .NET 4.0 or higher).
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  17. z00ps00p

    z00ps00p MDL Novice

    Feb 13, 2008
    #8497 z00ps00p, Jan 8, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
    BSOD after installing KB5048695, stop error 0x7B (which is INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE). I'm running this in QEMU/KVM (machine type "q35") in UEFI mode with an OVMF + CSM firmware (since Windows 7 x64 struggles to show STOP errors without CSM, it needs real mode int 0x10 services). I had to roll back the pending changes using a Windows 10 ISO's recovery environment (Windows 7 recovery environment's dism command doesn't have this feature):

    dism /image:C:\ /cleanup-image /RevertPendingActions

    after which Windows 7 boots back up and reverts the update.

    This is repeatable. I've done it twice now. I'm going to try the Windows Embedded 7 updates first to see if those work.

    Edit: Same deal with Embedded 7 updates. Startup Repair kicked in and rolled back the updates for Embedded 7, and then Windows Update stopped working (0x80073712) so I had to revert to the System Restore point before the update install, which finally fixed things. I'm guessing some ESU along the way prevents Windows from booting in this virtual environment somehow. Maybe it's because I used UpdatePack7R2 23.3.15 way back?
  18. NewEraCracker

    NewEraCracker MDL Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    #8498 NewEraCracker, Jan 8, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
    It should not matter what you used way back. If the machines used to boot in the past, but no longer do, it is obviously some update along the way that caused it (remember the rollups are cumulative). It is not the first time Windows struggles with KVM.

    I'd give a shot to the Oct 2024 rollup: and see if it works with that.

    Thanks for letting the community know.
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  19. NewEraCracker

    NewEraCracker MDL Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    On a second thought this may be connected with:

    And here a workaround is listed:

    Prevent further SBAT installation:
    To prevent another SBAT disaster caused by the update installations, Microsoft has revealed a special trick. Under Windows, the following command should make an entry in the registry:

    reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecureBoot\SBAT /v OptOut /d 1 /t REG_DWORD
    The DWORD value OptOut=1 under SBAT prevents Windows Update from manipulating the relevant SBAT settings on the relevant systems in future.
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  20. velmistrYoda

    velmistrYoda MDL Novice

    Jun 7, 2013
    Hi, I am sorry if this is a repetitive question but I haven't found and answer here. I would like to update to Win 10 (I know that clean installation would be better but I prefer an update). Can I uninstall the bypass and simply proceed with update from the MS website? Or, do I need to install some missing updates first? Thank you very much