Oh, I didn't realize this. Thanks. So if I understand correctly, this means I have to find the KB numbers of the monthly updates somewhere, download them from the Windows Catalog, and then, with the bypass enabled, install them manually. Is this correct? And if I may ask, is there any "danger" in leaving the ESU bypass enabled? Thanks very much.
Maybe the kurwica team comes up with some fix for the ESU updates to be received by WU. But maybe SIMPLIX will provide some pack for it too, and the win 7 hotfix repo or maybe in this thread, the ESU updates probably get listed and linked at too.
OK, thanks very much. Actually, I don't mind finding them and installing them manually. I do this sometimes anyway because I have six computers to update monthly, and sometimes it goes faster than WU. By the way, as an update to my previous post (#135), WU ultimately required over two hours for the "Check" to be completed. If this is going to be "normal", downloading the updates and installing them manually will be much faster. -> And just to repeat my other question, "..., is there any 'danger' in leaving the ESU bypass enabled?" Thanks again.
https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...updates-eligibility.80606/page-5#post-1564397 The bottom line of this post is best to follow for now, but let's wait for future developments
all tested OK ...KB4528069 installed OK.... windows 32 bit updates took 17 minutes without bypass 5 minutes...thats ok.. when the time comes will try this and see if it still works 3 KB's needed allready installed... security only updates installed..
Just to mention, "EOSNotify" doesn't appear for me under that directory, if you're suggesting that the December rollup would add it in. Guess I'm safe? And if that's the case, what about for the other steps you provided?
well.... about dec2019 rollup & z integrated EOSNotify... after install dec2019rollup pls just do z following in CMD as admin: sample Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\...>schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify" /Disable SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify" ha ve been changed. C:\Users\...>schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify2" /Disable SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task "Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify2" h ave been changed. C:\Users\...>reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersio n\EOSNotify" /v "DiscontinueEOS" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f The operation completed successfully. C:\Users\...> that's all. of course these 2 tasks to be disabled + 1 registry key to be added after install dec2019rollup but anytime of your personal convenience before 2020-01-14 rgds,
It will work for 32bit, also. To my knowledge, the test update was released only as 64bit. If it is now available for 32bit, too, then all is well in ESU land. We'll see after Jan 14, 2020, if it truly works.
thx, yes we just have to wait...i tested and all was ok for now....Uninstalled KB4528069 and used removerBat. Could we just leave the KB4528069 installed and only use the removerBat till we try updating again after Jan 14? or best uninstall both
I don't see the need to remove KB4528069 as it's just a test update from Microsoft to assure the computer can download ESU updates, so it should not pose a problem? And to echo a question by another poster, are there any potential problems or issues to consider by leaving the Bypass enabled indefinitely?
@Carlos Detweiller Win7 test update KB4528069 was released for x86 & x64 from the start Vista.. Server 2008 test update KB4528081 is only for x64 @Nazzy it can cause some delay in WU search
hello, Today , after clicking on "installed updates" through windows update to see the list af all the installed updates, i noticed that the list with all updates appeared after more than 3 min when it used to appear after few seconds so does this has something to do with the script or maybe the trick that was offered here to get rid of the warning which will appear on 14 january ? Does anybody here notice the same problem ?
Yes, has been reported and replied to, several times, only install the bypass when installing the ESU updates (after next patch tuesday 14. jan. 2020) and afterwards uninstall the bypass, this keeps WU working as usual.