It would be very helpful if a how to video is made on how to bypass TPM requirement for user with less experience that own older machines.
@WindowsGeek: Looking at quite some Youtube Movies, 99% of them are not so easy to follow up, special for Non-Native English Speakers! Many of those Movies are even with too fast speaking! On the other hand, bypassing that TPM Requirement is quite easy task. For myself, I've manually created a special appraiserres.dll which I used to exchange with the "original" one in the Sources folder of the Windows 11 ISO, which I use to upgrade a Windows 10 machine to Windows 11. That just works very well! Just mount the Windows 11 ISO and copy that files into the Sources folder and overwrite the existing one. That's all, no Movie is needed for that!
I have a older lenovo running TPM 1.2 what i did is...go offline upgrade using 22000.51 after is completed get online and updated to .194 with out any issues no modification needed.
Her is an officiel Microsoft way to install Windows 11 on unsupportet systems: Microsoft recommends against installing Windows 11 on a device that does not meet the Windows 11 minimum system requirements. If you choose to install Windows 11 on a device that does not meet these requirements, and you acknowledge and understand the risk, you can create the following registry key values and bypass the check for TPM 2.0 (at least TPM 1.2 is required) and the CPU family and model. Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup Name: AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU Type: REG_DWORD Value: 1 Note: Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk. After you put the extra key in your Windows 10 registry it will alow windows 11 to bypass the compatility check and install on most older Windows 10 PC's. But as fare as I know it must have a TPM 1.2 chip on board. And the system will stay as an unsupported system and maybe not receive updates. Have fun
Lol i kinda agree with you on the computer repair shop pitch but in all seriousness no real legit computer shop tech is going to bother wasting his or her time hacking a Windows 11 ISO even if they knew how to do so just so your able to run the software on a incompatible Machine. They are more then likely going to want you to buy a new machine with compatible hardware because that way they would actually make the repair shop a lot more money. Just sayin' I'm sure most computer shops if there business is even legal hold agreements with M$ to sell as many copies of the new Os as possible to get the cost savings on there end.
But the other story is with the installation of Windows 11. It has been talked about every day before and after meals since June 29. Honestly, there has never been a problem with this installation, and now that Microsoft itself has allowed everyone to install it in anyw computer, there are no problems at all. But from this daily "How to install Windows 11" story, heart is already upset and my stomach is open. Is it the nowerdays reality that people aren't really capable of anything other than pressing the ON / OFF button only? Somebody even don't know that exist such a thing as searching and to everyone is agan needed retell whole story how to install. For example, I don't know how to put in a better and younger heart (namely, I've had a heart attack and even died for a while), but there are specialists for that. They know and can. If you do not know how or cannot do something, you must use their help. In conclusion. There are no problems installing Windows 11, and at the moment it can be installed on any computer that was able to run Windows 8, 8.1, and 10. There is only one problem, Windows 11 requires more computer performance, so it's not very wise to put it on old slow machines. Simply You and anyone else don't want such a slow and very dizzy computer.
>I'll do whatever a customer wants if he's paying me. Big mistake . You do what they want how they want ......... and when it doesnt work you get the blame and carry the responsibility . Did it . Tried it ......... and lost every time . Either things get done properly or i dont do them .
I don't know where you live but in the U.S. you just document everything and get them to sign something releasing you of responsibility. It's not difficult. Never had a problem in 20 years as long as you have that signature. If they try to sue you they'll get laughed out of court.
Except that they don't. TPM is still required (1.2). In my long time dealing with computers, only very recently, I started seeing ones having TPMs at all.
Thanks for you all for your replies. Because I do respect your time and your replies above, here is some more information about me and my real daily life (please excuse my little clear as I am concerned about my privacy if someone read it from my place): I do like and very interested in repairing broken windows and fixing broken things (software and hardware). My problem was that I do not know how to do so, but I find it like magic, so I googled for it as I do with anything as usual. Most findings were advising to learn by doing because reading only won't help. So I went to a local computer repair shops in my town and asked to just work for a very very low wages (almost the transportation fees), and after a lot of trials someone accepted. We are one of the 3rd world developed countries, which meaning no one care for privacy or real license for any software but just let it work. On a daily base, the shop may get 400 or so to do windows image or fix existing windows or install software or games. Some guys do things in the shop like magic for me, so I realized that no one have time to teach or educate someone else, so I decided to go through it and learn by doing and the owner asked me to do not waste other guys time and just watch and learn ... and that is why I am a bit worried to do not waste or lose my job, but I hope to gain more experience and look for some other place or even start very low and very small my own place, In the past I used to do somethings with windows XP and been visiting and slipstream office 2003 and drivers by bashrat the sneaky but since windows 7 everything changed. Also I was visiting website and many OS by eXPerience (This guy is a genius for me). After XP I find everything like lost on the ocean. many terms and many things that I do not know. So I am reading and studying. I am sorry for bothering you guys or wasting your precious time. I believe that nothing is impossible and it just takes time and effort. But sometimes I do not know what terms to search for. Please accept my apologize for my ignorance. Sometimes I meet some people that call me stupid and goofy because I do not know the minimum I should know in that career from their point of view, and I do not mind that because even people that call me that may guide me to the right path but in a wrong attitude, so I take easy and go on. I've even tried to go through the computer science curriculums but find it something away from my point which is to deal and fix computer or install windows in a special way, and I m not interested in any academic. Sorry for long reply, but I just typed as I feel and think and it come out of me. Thanks
I had been successful installing Windows 11 Pro Clean install and activated without TPM (Bypass TPM) and works great! and warning, do not use there Microsoft Windows update driver and will crash it. I use Windows 10 Driver for Dell Laptop without any problems!