It's not surprising the ~11 year cycle of solar activity has reached the maximum again. Peak to be expected end of the year. 2012: Peak of solar activity, venus transit and total eclipse..
(CAUTION) - The world is evolving as is everything on earth (CAUTION) - The heightened solar spot activity is the sun receiving information and "lighting" up the overcoat of the soul (Auroras) of the world with energies bring the physical more into alignment with what creates the physical (CAUTION) - The heart of world is freeing up it's love and unlimited abilities and so will humans be unlimited like gods or wizards Lol......There are auroras cause that is the Aura or soul of the world They become more physically visible when the Heart of the galaxy releases information/energy to the galaxy thus ends up through the stars and planets and creatures on those planets even you R2 11.3 actually - The year 2000 was the exact middle of the bio-telepathic solar sunspot 22.6 year cycles. We are in the last dispensary of information being delivered to planet earth. The last 22.6 year cycle! These total sun spot cycles allow certain evolutionary "upgrades" in our human development or evolution of our soul or complete being. Truly the end of limits is here The awakening of the solar system and all it's inhabitants to what we all our governed by and orbit around. This is not a paycheck or the But what creates all is returning in memory to earth. No more guessing or playing god over others. Truly the party is just beginning
So has already begun ... prepare yourself! Soon we'll be seeing auroras around the world and it is only the beggining
everything has beginning and end, and every end is the new beginning, so prepare yourself not for the end, but for new beginning! sun storms can affect only high frequency hardware, technologies such as GSM, wi-fi, WiMax,Radio, sattelites and can affect work of RAM modules. So, new era will begin for those who are gaming 24/7, they will see the world. For others few days of bad communication. Power line surges will be caused by incorrectly working hardware... In other words - in worst case few weeks in 19th century, not that bad Increased volcanic activity - few weeks without flights. Increase of radioactive particles in atmosphere - I'm glad we have thing called atmosphere and other stuff that I don't know even how it's called. I'm thinking of it not as end of a world but as a holiday P.S. Technicians - don't forget to turn your mobile phone off when it all will begin.
Lets see now i have my patron, captian morgan's private stock, crownroyal, negra modelo hmmmmm OK bring it on im ready