I understand but i dont cater for the type of person who needs a sign telling them not to piss on the 3rd rail
thank you, your trick rules ! but the the address was wrong, following the correct one: takeown /f "%WinDir%\systemApps\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\StartMenuExperienceHost.exe" /a icacls "%WinDir%\systemApps\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\StartMenuExperienceHost.exe" /grant:r Administrators:F /c taskkill /im StartMenuExperienceHost.exe /f del "%WinDir%\systemApps\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\StartMenuExperienceHost.exe" /s /f /q
Sorry about that, I have removed the whole SystemApps folder, so I had to use google and I copied it wrong.
I'm aware that you know that the modification will remain if you use the trick I learned from you of removing permissions from StartMenuExperienceHost.exe
Yes, but that might cause problems, like if that file is being updated, then the update will fail. It might even cause BSOD, maybe not this particular file, but you never know, since it is set to start at boot, but Windows will not be able to access it.
That's true and is always the nature of Windows not being able to access a file. A prime example is disabling upfc.exe which will cause a BSOD. But there are files that won't cause a problem when disabling them, like usoclient.exe. I guess it's how much it's worth it to somebody to permanently disable something to do the reasearch required.
There are certain files, folders, etc which are fundamental to the operation of Windows. Deleting these will result in a BSOD. There are a ton of memes which show Jesus advising an old lady to delete System32 to enable her computer to run quicker, but I wouldn't do that. It surely would result in a BSOD.
Yes, which is what I was talking about. If it's worth it to you to disable something, or modify some part of Windows, you have to try it and see if it causes problems if no one has ever tried what you're trying to accomplish before. That's how I know not to disable upfc.exe.
some troubles: when i lunch the script go well until the last line del /s /f /q "%SystemRoot%\systemApps\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\StartMenuExperienceHost.exe" , but sometimes (not always) i get the error "access denied" why ?
Sometimes Windows restarts it too fast or it is not yet terminated and you can not remove exe, when it is running.
Get creative , x-mouse settings to activate a window, open folders and be quick. A 2nd os is handy Forget permissions, run Everything from Power Run, havnt found a file yet i can move or delete.
I try to avoid nsudo, psexec and such. Too powerful tools kept in the computer could be easily used by malware, just like it abuses task scheduler, wmi, powershell, etc.