finally a response was building the spycode directly into the kernel as the frontdoors hurts business too much?
Hi All, Forgive me if I have a stupid question. I do not have enough knowledge to understand the purpose of Telemetry clearly. Can anyone let me have short and clear explanation about Telemetry. Thanks for your concern and help in advanced.
All of your personal files will be uploaded to their servers also the keystrokes you type, voice notes you give to Cortana, automated screenshots from your system. These all will happen in background without any notice.
The excuse is for diagnostic and market strategy. So they know what people do so they can change what they offer to make more money. This is the purpose, above FKAR posted what it does.
@fkar It sounds like Super Spy, Hole Peeper Do you point me the way how to disable or remove it from PC ? Thanks again.
Linux, because they updated Windows 7 and Windows 8 to do the exact same thing. I recommend OpenSuSe Tumbleweed. It is the only distro I have found that combines lates with stable results.
It appears to me as if MS is directly copying the strategy used by Apple's iOS. Lock everything down using apps (that aren't ready for prime time yet), and everything else (desktop programs) is to be scanned and certain files deleted by windows defender (and others) to prevent piracy by deleting keygens, and sending your telemetry data to them. I bet they wish they could completely lock the pc down so that you'd have to root or jailbreak it, but good luck with that. I, for one, refuse to participate in this plan along with lots of others here at MDL. I also believe that they're closely watching this forum and others. I think their reaction will be to add our and others tweaks to windows 10 to make it better, up to a point. I don't believe they're going to fix the start menu since they love those damn tiles. They want to turn our pc's into smart-phones. They didn't add window colors until somebody made a tweak to add them manually. The tweaks will lead the way, and MS will follow in every way. What I mean is, they'll probably try to do something about the telemetry blockers while also implementing the better tweaks. We can only speculate at this point, but I believe it's something we should discuss.
We could maybe put a delay on the internet access..? Or maybe prevent access until we have manually allowed it?
Well if everyone at MDL was a windows insider, and kept giving the same feedback things could be a lot different. Guaranteed MDL could have shaped 10 into what most want. I don't think Micro will stick to this 10 for life thing, so next time around people will need to get everyone to chip in and help with feedback.
@Shayne: What I'd like to see is someone put a computer with Windows 10 home on a network with a monitoring appliance (sonicwall, etc.) and monitor packet traffic at startup. Those logs would be the definitive answer as to how much of this monitoring / spying stuff is FUD and how much is real. What surprises Me is that to date, nobody has asked this question. I got tired of waiting and decided to ask it Myself. Any takers out there?
I don't know, but this is another reason why I would try to do as much as I can on the router instead of in the OS. It won't work for specific firewall rules for particular applications, but it can at least block IPs and domains.
Yes, nobody has ever pointed this out before. Except when I did so. A dozen times. Along with also pointing out that you or anyone else can easily do it and check FOR YOURSELF. As I and many others have done. At which point it all descended into conspiracies about how there was somehow unmonitorable traffic and collection processes that mysteriously never show up instead of actually checking it and seeing.