Hello everyone, well the other day searching for news on the net I saw this interesting article about the probable Google operating system I would like to know what you guys think about "new" OS and also hope not to start useless discussions about this OS is better than that or things of the genre; I personally found very interesting the approach given by the developers of Google really very smart and different not having in my view any correlation with the other existing OS so let's see what are the various opinions about it sitll here is all start https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/201...-on-the-pixelbook-it-works-it-actually-works/
looks like it has a way's to go before it's fully done. I did not recall reading this but is it based on a *nix kernel?
^Hi bro yep I think this OS is the future IMO, but first we need know about privacy I hope that is not same than Windows today
Killing Windows seems to be Google's objective, I liked it. Android store in chrome OS is good news too.
What's wrong with Linux? Your probably using Linux on some of your device's right now and not aware of it States that Fuchsia runs with the Zircon kernel
You are denying something you don't get, lol...I have to assume. Besides of that it is constantly developing and the most running OS. Maybe your TV is running it or your router..or... Check GNU GPL and what 'Linux' really is! Or even better start over from UNIX and the term open source. Micro kernels can even better work together with specific hardware / needs. Maintained by Mr. Torvalds or not. Zircon (formerly Magenta) is based on the little kernel project (derived from little kernel project). Microkernels such as LittleKernel are already used in Android bootloader and the Android Trusted Execution Environment.
Awesome wow as Professor Yen knows all about Linux Kernels Congratulations; I learned something else too, thanks
Android brought me closer to Linux. I liked to modify Android on my first smartphone...and that required to get more and more familiar with 'Linux'. I already had contact with UNIX in the 90s (Silicon Graphics (SGI) O2, specs far superior to any X86 PC).....windows was far too slow and X86 CPUs unable to calculate FT.........but the personal gap to Linux existed until Android came... I stumbled across little kernel project when I tried to get info about how to inject an unsigned bootloader.... Edit: M$ loves Linux, lol... https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/04/microsoft-linux-custom-kernel-azure-sphere
Yep. Besides of the irony in my posts...moving away from Linux can mean 2 things. Google wants an own specialized OS to get more out of their own devices... Or they want to get away from terms and conditions of 'Linux' to make their own proprietary things and with that more own rules on privacy / transparency. As long as they stick to the open source model the latter is no problem except help from Google for 'Linux' (Meltdown / Spectre) in the future won't happen again...
@ Tito fantastic simply fantastic, well I hope one alternative for Windows OS someday only rest wait but for a while see this one very interesting too
i think you are politically incorrect. google lost the lawsuit to oracle and now google has to pay oracle a whooping 9 beeeeellllllliiiiiiooooonnn (gah i couldn't ape theregister.co.uk's yahoo mocking style) for using java in android. and by the way according to google. the new os will most likely support old android apps. okay ... so its again a layer of simulation.... aargh. this os will run fast natively but with apps and layer emulation will be again slow.... damn. and besides its almost two years the original developer posted the ideas. its on github.