Replace the x with w. Not enough posts for direct links. Use the download button in the upper right corner. This will first be a small executable (~3.3M). Once downloaded double click it.
I have never resolved the Macrium update problem without a new OS install! The trick is not to update your initial "registered" Home version ("let sleeping dogs lie"). I'm not technical at all but I think some sort of untraceable key, or whatever it's called, is entered in the registry that prevents subsequent updates from working. I've never come across a solution
Thanks for the reply Phoenix. I assume that you're updating a paid for copy rather that a "fixed" copy? If not, will you let me into your secret please?
they hide the registration information using a registry key with an embedded null character. you can't view or delete it from regedit. this is malware behavior :O detail & removal: Spoiler Code: C:\WINDOWS\system32>regdelnull -s hklm/software/microsoft RegDelNull v1.11 - Delete Registry keys with embedded Nulls Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - Null-embedded key (Nulls are replaced by '*'): HKLM/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Environment* Delete? (y/n)
@ WinFree I think the question that you're really asking is : how to use the tool RegDelNull v1.11.? I don't know how to use it either (as some knowledge of cmd lines etc is needed - and I'm agnostic). So, perhaps if we're patient, someone in the know might come to our aid.
@2Happy I hope so..... I think that this line (from Winfree) run at the administrative command prompt will do it: "C:\WINDOWS\system32>regdelnull -s hklm/software/microsoft" (no quotes)
Macrium Reflect vs. Acronis True Image. Which one is best for SSD cloning with VeraCrypt? Btw, I can only find Trial version of Macrium Reflect. Where is the free version?
I booted Macrium Reflect Live CD and mounted an encrypted disk. Mounting it went very well. No problem there. I could do Image Backup to the encrypted disk but I could not do Cloning because it read the encrypted disk that was already mounted like unformatted and wanted it to be formatted. Do I really have to decrypt then make a clone and encrypt again? Is there a way around it or have I missed something? Running the latest Free edition.
FREE VERSION: aspx It's still good for mid usage. (Replace the - with . because I still cannot post link, but I would like to help you)