Which 2019 Iso is counterpart of Office 2016 Pro Plus English incl. Project Pro and Visio Pro? As well as what KMS do I use for activating?
I used the scrubber pack (Uninstall_Licenses), repaired Office and ran C2R-R2V_10 again, but Office 2016 Mondo remains. Ran your code again: Spoiler Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel LicenseFamily=Core Description=Office 19, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp4 Description=Office 19, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp2 Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel LicenseFamily=Core Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel LicenseFamily=Core Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_Subscription5 Description=Windows(R) Operating System, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Core Description=Office 16, RETAIL(MAK) channel LicenseFamily=Office16MondoVL_MAK Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_COA_NSLP channel LicenseFamily=Core Description=Windows(R) Operating System, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=CoreSingleLanguage Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_COA_NSLP channel LicenseFamily=CoreSingleLanguage Description=Windows(R) Operating System, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Core Description=Office 19, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp Description=Office 19, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp5 Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_SubTest5 Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_Subscription2 Description=Office 19, RETAIL(Grace) channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019R_Grace Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_Subscription1 Description=Windows(R) Operating System, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LicenseFamily=Core Description=Office 19, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019MSDNR_Retail Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel LicenseFamily=CoreSingleLanguage Description=Office 19, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp3 Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel LicenseFamily=CoreSingleLanguage Description=Windows(R) Operating System, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Core Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_SubTest2 Description=Office 16, RETAIL(Free) channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremDemoR_BypassTrial365 Description=Office 19, TIMEBASED_EVAL channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019R_Trial2 Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_SubTrial3 Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel LicenseFamily=CoreSingleLanguage Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel LicenseFamily=Core Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_SubTrial1 Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_SubTrial5 Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_SubTest3 Description=Office 16, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LicenseFamily=Office16MondoVL_KMS_Client Description=Office 19, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019R_Retail Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_SubTest1 Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_SubTrial4 Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel LicenseFamily=CoreSingleLanguage Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_SubTest4 Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_Subscription4 Description=Office 19, RETAIL(Free) channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019R_PrepidBypass Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_Subscription3 Description=Office 19, RETAIL(Free) channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019DemoR_BypassTrial180 Description=Windows(R) Operating System, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LicenseFamily=CoreSingleLanguage Description=Office 19, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp6 Description=Office 16, RETAIL(Grace) channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_Grace Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel LicenseFamily=CoreSingleLanguage Description=Office 19, TIMEBASED_EVAL channel LicenseFamily=Office19ProPlus2019R_Trial Description=Windows(R) Operating System, RETAIL channel LicenseFamily=Core Description=Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel LicenseFamily=CoreSingleLanguage Description=Office 16, TIMEBASED_SUB channel LicenseFamily=Office16O365HomePremR_SubTrial2
Run this as administrator Code: reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds /d ProPlus2019Retail /f then run Uninstall_Licenses.cmd then directly run C2R-R2V (don't repair office)
error 404 = file not found - Again a groundhog deja vu: This build was not fully created/transferred from MS development to distribution-/update-server. Try again the next days. Maybe someone at MS will wake up and repair.
Hi ratzlefatz, I noticed that OfficeRTool's "setup.exe" size is 5,302,944 bytes, while the one from Microsoft's "officedeploymenttool_11617-33601" is 5,294,464 bytes and has digital signatures. Both have the same 17 April 2019 date? Can you shed some light on this, please!
Ups, you are right! They are different. I extracted setup.exe just at the day abbodi1406 announced availability. Maybe MS silently changed content of "officedeploymenttool_11617-33601" afterwards. I never re-downloaded the package, so I didn't notice the different sizes and the missing signatures. @ALL: Download ODT-package from above link and extract "setup.exe" to %OfficeRToolPath%\OfficeFixes\ overwriting existing file.
Sorry for the noob questions, but using YAOCTRU, what channel would you guys recommend (I have previously used "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016")? I don't really understand what the /targeted versions mean. Do the monthly/semi-annual versions just differ by how often you get updates or? Also, if I use the YAOCTRI tool to install it on a Windows 7 machine, will it download updates correctly?
BTW, I´ve received this "update". If can´t download this Build, wait until next released and try again.
Can anyone explain to me why the build numbers for Office 2019 Retail match the build numbers for Office365 (at least on patch day), while the Office 2019 VL build numbers remain on 10344. I thought Office 2019 won't get any feature updates so why is the retail build number going up. Office 365: May 14, 2019 Monthly Channel: Version 1904 (Build 11601.20204) Office 2019 Retail: May 14, 2019 - Version 1904 (Build 11601.20204) Office 2019 VL: May 14, 2019 - Version 1808 (Build 10344.20008) Source: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/officeupdates/update-history-office365-proplus-by-date docs.microsoft.com/en-us/officeupdates/update-history-office-2019