OfficeRTool no longer works with the newer UWP Office packages, though it still works well with old packages (if you have still have them.
Hi, do you still happen to have Microsoft Office v16041 (or any other 64-bit version of Office in UWP format)? The link that you shared earlier seems to have been taken down. Thanks in advance!
Latest OfficeRTool v1.9 doesn't recognize UWP installed versions of office apps. It seems like UWP version is purposely broken by MS when it comes to switching to Beta update channel. It just doesn't switch.
Interesting. An update from the Microsoft store just updated my father's office installation from Office15 to Office16, and removed all Office apps except for Excel, while adding OneDrive.
Just reviving this thread now that I am barely-active here again (I should be slightly more active in a month or so, but still not too much until I finish some real-world projects in regards to our home electrical grid). It appears that some bug on Microsoft's end back then had caused these issues with a specific build, and only those who updated during that narrow window were affected.
Which reminds me, is there any way to disable the new UI? It wastes far too much space, which is a huge concern for low-resolution screens (such as on some of our laptops, at 1366x768p), as there is next to no visual space left for the actual document.