The problem is that the listings that are downloadable are from February/March 2017 Just check them first using mc2xml instead of trying to fix a problem which is unfixable (from the user side). Just use EPG collector and live long and prosper
I have not installed the tuner,I just want to download internet videos but can not download that this seem does not need to be a tuner.
After turning off the updates. Windows did it's own update for some odd reason. My WMC was deleted during a unexpected update and i just re-install the WMC from here and now i try setting up the tv setup and i get this "TUNER NOT FOUND: The TV signal cannot be configured because a TV tuner was not detected. I did a re-install for my device (hauppauge wintv dcr-2650) and all the lights are green and nothing is blinking so i'm guessing the update are blocking the tuner? Any suggesting?
All the problems can only be resolved by Microsoft, I have feedback to Microsoft, let us report these issues to Microsoft,
No this is not a MS problem, WMC still works perfectly even on 16299.15, obviously except for CC people in the US. Just use the reset settings batch or uninstall and reinstall using the 8.8.1 scripts. Missing EPG, instead are MS problems, they just stopped to update their servers some months ago.
There is a thread for this.
Ob Maybe inside the 8.8.1 folder? Please don't be shy, explain what your problem is. As I said if you're referring to the missing listings, there is nothing you can do other than use an alternate source like EPG collector or the features integrated in DVBLink
Again... Explain what os are you using, explain what installer are you using, explain what you did. As I said before, very likely you have just corrupted settings, just click on the damn reset settings batch and you should be ok.
I think that clicking on the reset script (or uninstalling and reinstalling with 8.8.1) is faster than writing a message on a forum. Just try, I can't guarantee that every tuner driver works fine in newest windows. What I can say is that everithing I tested personally works. Including a 10 years old Hauppauge ministick HD, including the ugly realtek based tuners sold for 7$ on ebay teese days.
Hi,What version of WMC did you installed? I did not find the 8.8.1 scripts in my WMC directory. 2. How to reset settings batch?Could you please say the specific steps? I have cleared the ehome folder and re-installed it still can not to start. My system is win10 64 v10240.
Come ON!!! V8.8.1 is the installer version, download the right one then look inside its dir!!! Win b10240 is perfect for the job (obviously unless it's a N version. In that case you need the media feature pack)
But the problem now is that I can not start it. Who can tell me? I have uninstalled and re-installed many times