[DISCUSSION] Patch WMC to run on Windows 10 final & possible alternatives

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by ricktendo64, May 8, 2015.

  1. MethKillsKids

    MethKillsKids MDL Novice

    Jun 6, 2016
    Strange after attempting once or twice a day over a week, the guide finally downloaded for me, not sure what did it. It then asked me which provider I used in the area, I picked clearqam / OTA I believe it was, and now I'm stuck here (see image below).

    Reading previous comments are others stating usb tv tuners (i use hauppage xbox tuner) w/ OTA antennas are no longer working after fall update? Or just DRM xfinity cable cards / provider stuff? I've been also using sichbopvr, and really like the interface but I noticed some Audio mismatch / latency with images and setup a scheduled recording which didn't trigger.

    Anyone else have a tweak for either dilemma? --thanks in advance~!

  2. Klownicle

    Klownicle MDL Member

    Jul 27, 2009
    Long time no see, figured i'd check up on things. All I can report is that the installer worked. I can't seem to get WMC to detect the tuner no matter what I do. So I guess move on in my attempts? Is this a known issue on 1709 for Ceton? The hardware is installed and working as expected. Just WMC fails to see it.
  3. jimi1000

    jimi1000 MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2016
    I'm having an issue where I cannot watch MCE in full screen mode. If I leave it as a window it works as expected with no issues. Sometimes when I start a recording in full screen mode or use skip (fwd or rev) in full screen mode, the image and sound just freeze but the recording still plays behind the frozen image. I've gone through several iterations with installing various versions of the AMD HD 7770 video drivers including the new Crimson drivers as well as manipulating LAV video/audio settings using the latest from Shark007. I’ve turned off the windows 10 gaming settings for gamebar, etc… I also tested various compatibility setting on the ehome executable file for MCE like “Disable fullscreen optimizations, Override high DPI scaling etc. My only way out of the frozen screen is to Alt-tab or CTRL-ALT-Delete and open task manager. This issue has been bugging me for months and maybe even a year. Any ideas wuld be greatly appreciated. I’m not looking to do a full rebuild until after the Super Bowl. Go Eagles!!!!

    Windows 10 Pro 1709 build 16299.192, AMD 8350 CPU, 16GB of ram, and AMD HD 7770 PCIE card.

    Jimi in Philly
  4. jimi1000

    jimi1000 MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2016
    Oh all HDMI from PC to sony STR-dn1010 receiver to Samsung un55d8000 TV
  5. xinso

    xinso MDL Guru

    Mar 5, 2009
    FYI only: With Signature check being skipped, two things are needed for installing WMC to any SKU from 6.3 to 10.0:

    1. Media Center packages
    2. Patched files

    e.g. Integrating WMC to newly applied 15063 x64 on K: partition.

    @echo off
    pushd "%~dp0"

    set MT=K:
    set _mui=(ar-SA,bg-BG,cs-CZ,da-DK,de-DE,el-GR,en-US,en-GB,es-ES,et-EE,fi-FI,fr-FR,he-IL,hr-HR,hu-HU,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,lt-LT,lv-LV,nb-NO,nl-NL,pl-PL,pt-BR,pt-PT,ro-RO,ru-RU,sk-SK,sl-SI,sr-Latn-RS,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,uk-UA,zh-CN,zh-HK,zh-TW)

    reg load HKLM\SOFT "%MT%\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE" >nul 2>&1
    for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFT\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CurrentVersion') do (set "CV=%%A")
    for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFT\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID') do (set "EI=%%A")
    reg unload HKLM\SOFT >nul 2>&1

    if %CV% LSS 6.3 echo Unsupported&goto :END

    dism.exe /image:%MT% /add-package:MediaCenter-Package-x64.cab

    for /d %%G in %_mui% do (
    if exist "%MT%\Windows\%%G\explorer.exe.mui" (
    dism.exe /image:%MT% /add-package:MUI\MediaCenter-Package-x64-%%G.cab

    if %EI% == ProfessionalWMC goto :END
    copy /y Patch\Sys\mcmde.dll %MT%\Windows\System32 >nul 2>&1
    xcopy Patch\* %MT%\Windows\ehome\ /chriky >nul 2>&1



    版本: 10.0.16299.15

    映像版本: 10.0.15063.0

    正在處理 1 的 1 - 正在新增封裝 Microsoft-Windows-MediaCenter-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384

    版本: 10.0.16299.15

    映像版本: 10.0.15063.0

    正在處理 1 的 1 - 正在新增封裝 Microsoft-Windows-MediaCenter-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~zh-TW~6.3.9600.16384

    請按任意鍵繼續 . . .
  6. neatojones

    neatojones MDL Novice

    Sep 12, 2015
    I just wanted to mention to anyone out there who has been using WMC with an extender: I got tired of Windows nagging me to install updates and finally let it. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to use extenders with the latest updates.

    However, I've found that installing serverWMC and using Kodi on the Xbox One is actually a very good experience that rivals WMC on the Xbox 360. So, if you are in my position and have an Xbox One you may want to give it a try.
  7. j.c.f.

    j.c.f. MDL Member

    Mar 1, 2016
    #8629 j.c.f., Jan 29, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
    Well that's a freaking mystery. New laptop a few months ago, reinstalled everything, restored settings and life's glorious. Come the last week or two I've seen WMC (T-S's 8.8.1) crash and get restarted when finishing watching something. No particularly big deal but come this afternoon I was watching something, all was working well, I stopped because RL then this evening wanting to resume when I hit play and it's lock up city. If it's full screen you're SOL even if you three finger out of it the screen is still blank and you can't see any other task. Resetting the machine changes nothing. Windowed mode you can at least kill it with the task manager. Uninstalled WMC, reinstalled, same behavior. Playing recorded material either locally or over the network or just tuning into live TV as soon as it's time to render stuff it's lock up city. Nothing installed between this afternoon and now, no updates, nada, if something changed I can't imagine what it might be. Guess I'll try power cycling the machine instead of just resetting it. Was looking to uninstall the DVD player thinking the MPEG codecs might have gotten borked somehow but I don't see it in the add/remove programs and uninstalling with T-S Uninstaller.cmd doesn't remove it. Ideas?

    Win10 1703 Enterprise, Dell Inspiron 5566 with Intel HD graphics 620

    Hmm, found the DVD player MSI and right clicking on that gives the option to remove it but it has no effect. Even running WMC with it removed yields the same lock up instead of some error about missing codecs (not that that's really WMC's modus operendi anyway). Cycling power yielded no joy either. If I use Live TV I can see the HD Homerun tuner has connected to this machine but again, tests of playing files versus live stuff yield same result so I don't think that's even a data point.

    Just dug up a DVD and the DVD player fails to play it. Doesn't lock up like WMC but you get the horizontal dancing dots of doingness and then the DVD spins down after a while. Selecting play DVD in WMC produces the usual lock up. And how about that, WMP can play .WTV files too, at least on other machines, not this one. So something has taken out this machine's ability to play MPEG2 streams and H264 which is what I presume OTA recorded WTV files are (presumably with DirectShow) like that update did last year some time. But this machine has had no updates applied today. Event log appears to be relatively empty, most errors are from me vainly fighting this this evening.

    Just ran sfc /scannow overnight and it didn't find anything. Guess I'll update the thing to 1709 even though I see people complaining that the H265 decoder is busted in it (apparently you can get it from the Windows Store monstrosity)..

    Well updating to 1709 fixed it, phew, was getting seriously concerned something blew up in the video chipset. On the con side WMC seems a bit balky full screen now where input seems to lock it out every few clicks and one has to alt-tab out to windowed mode -- but I found a post on the green button recommending disabling full screen optimizations on eshell.exe and sure enough that looks to have done the job, happy camper again!
  8. j.c.f.

    j.c.f. MDL Member

    Mar 1, 2016
    You need to set the "Disable full screen optimizations" on eshell.exe in windows\ehome in the Compatibility tab in the properties.
  9. jimi1000

    jimi1000 MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2016
    I have already done that and still have the issue.
  10. jspenc3

    jspenc3 MDL Novice

    Dec 12, 2015
    Just want to report that I've updated two Windows 10 1703 systems to 1709 (boo forced updates, but at least this build has more control over them) and Media Center v881 is still working fine after a reinstall/restore settings. I only record OTA in Central Florida from two HDHR US3 units, so no CableCard, but everything else still works fine. I still have to do my main gaming & Media PC, so fingers crossed it goes as smooth...
  11. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    CableCard tuner? If so, known issue. Downgrade win 10, or use DVBLink Server. Wmc can see a virtual tuner.
  12. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015
    Have you tried actual multiple monitors (AMM)
  13. j.c.f.

    j.c.f. MDL Member

    Mar 1, 2016
    #8635 j.c.f., Jan 31, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
    Sorry, didn't read the full set of things you'd tried because your problems so exactly matches the disable optimizations problem. I too have 1709 with multiple monitors and had exactly the issues you experience. You sure you modified eshell.exe's settings and not some other file? If it's not that something must be blocking the disable optimizations from working and unless it's something in the gaming section that somehow neuters it you're in the uninstall WMC and refresh your 1709 install using the leave files and apps option so it just repaves the OS. Of course if you've got a recent upgrade to 1709 that's less likely to fix things I suppose.
  14. jimi1000

    jimi1000 MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2016
    Single monitor as in the Samsung un55d8000. I've since pulled my Boot SSD and threw in another drive and did a fresh win 10 install to 1709. then installed T. S. 8.8.1 and can't get through the install with the zipcode being found to pull guide data (tried multiple zips in the Philly area). So then I did a fresh clean install of win 8 pro to win8.1 pro with MCE key to add media center and it worked perfectly. I've been testing full screen to rule out the video card drivers as a possible culprit. After the Super Bowl and recovery from the big game I will revisit the win 10 MCE issue on the old drive.

    GO E A G L E S!!!!!!
  15. j.c.f.

    j.c.f. MDL Member

    Mar 1, 2016
    #8637 j.c.f., Feb 1, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
    Yeah, I've never been convinced that the fixes to allow EPG to be successfully grabbed actually work 100% of the time and rely on T-S's BackupRestoreSettings.cmd to save the settings on the various machines around upgrades. Even moved the saved settings (the SettingsBackup folder and the Settings.reg file) from the one machine that originally succeeded in finally pulling down the LA region EPG reliably to other machines. You should be able to run that script to save the settings that pull EPG successfully and then uninstall WMC (as it doesn't survive the upgrade process and will be borked till you uninstall it and reinstall anyway) and upgrade to 1709 then reinstall WMC and set it's eshell.exe's Disable fullscreen optimizations and pull the saved settings back and you should be good to go. It's what I do anyway and barring the odd MS screw up I've been golden ever since T-S released his 8.8.1 version.
  16. backman8571

    backman8571 MDL Novice

    Sep 4, 2016
    Has any of you tried it on Windows server 2016
  17. wshiwsbrding

    wshiwsbrding MDL Novice

    Nov 20, 2016
    How would one go about doing this: "Do clean install of Win10 build 10240" - from the workarounds.txt? I think if I could go back to an older build my problems would go away.

    Ever since my Windows 10 updated to 1709, WMC freezes upon trying to open any recorded TV. A movie such as .AVI will open fine though. I can open the recorded tv files (.wtv) files in kodi but not wmc or even windows media player or windows movies and tv app. I tried, yet again this morning, to unisintall and reinstall wmc but no change.

    Note, I have "disable full screen optimizations" checked in compatibility tab. That was a separate issue with full screen that is fixed with that setting. Also note, I don't know which version of wmc patch I have installed. I downloaded it so long ago and I cant find anywhere in the folder that says which version it is but I think its 8.8.1.

  18. crash2009

    crash2009 MDL Expert

    Dec 8, 2015